首页> 外文期刊>Harvard international law journal >The Denationalization of Constitutional Law

The Denationalization of Constitutional Law


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International law, in general, and international human rights law, in particular, have experienced a battering in recent years. Spurred in part by national reactions to the "new terrorism," politicians and legislators - as well as judges, practitioners, and intellectuals worldwide and along the ideological spectrum-have expressed reservations about the role and function of international law in domestic affairs. Reactions have ranged from sharp skepticism about the authority and utility of international law to conditions and caution about how it should be given effect within the domestic system. Concerns regarding the role of international law are evident throughout Europe. In Germany, the federal constitutional court has in different ways positioned itself as a bulwark between the national legal system and the two European legal orders of which the court is a part - the European Union ("EU") and the European Court of Human Rights ("ECHR") system. In Denmark, the Council of Europe's Human Rights Commissioner's 2004 censure of Danish immigration policy on family reunification sparked critical political and media debate on the relevance and authority of international human rights law. And in the United Kingdom, which sought to derogate from the relevant provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights, the Home Secretary responded sharply to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture's criticisms by castigating the United Nations and its alleged focus on the "human rights of terrorists. On the other side of the Atlantic, the debate about the relevance of "foreign law" to constitutional adjudication has been equally vigorous. A number of liberal academic scholars have joined conservative intellectuals in declaring international law fundamentally anti-democratic. Using the European experience as a basis for analysis, this Article challenges the prevailing skepticism by arguing for an understanding of international human rights law and international adjudication as a practice of "justification." Under this view, international law obligates states merely to justify those local practices that deviate from a shared, publicly evolving, cross-community set of standards. This obligation may be triggered in part by individual claims. The theory conceives of the relationship between national constitutional law and international adjudication, moreover, outside the context of a strict monism-dualism dichotomy. According to that dichotomy, international law is either an authoritative external body of law which directly penetrates the national legal order, or a corpus of foreign law which must be filtered first through the prism of national constitutional law. This Article argues instead that international adjudication should be conceived of as having a persuasive function and not an overriding one. International and constitutional norms should be understood as contextually competing rule-of-law values rather than as conflicting legal sources vying against one another. Part I sets forth the theoretical framework of the argument for a "justification view." Part II applies this framework to EU law, examining the relationship that has developed between both European Court of Justice ("ECJ") and European Human Rights Convention ("EHRC") case law on the one hand and national law on the other.
机译:近年来,一般而言,国际法尤其是国际人权法遭受了重创。在一定程度上,受到国家对“新恐怖主义”的反应的推动,政治家和立法者以及全世界以及意识形态范围内的法官,从业人员和知识分子对国际法在国内事务中的作用和功能持保留态度。反应包括对国际法的权威和实用性的强烈怀疑到对条件的谨慎,以及对如何在国内体系中发挥效力的谨慎。在整个欧洲,人们都对国际法的作用感到担忧。在德国,联邦宪法法院以不同的方式将自己定位为国家法律体系与欧洲法院(欧洲联盟)和欧洲人权法院所参与的两个欧洲法律命令之间的堡垒(“ ECHR”)系统。在丹麦,欧洲委员会人权事务专员2004年对丹麦关于家庭团聚的移民政策的谴责引发了关于国际人权法的相关性和权威性的重要政治和媒体辩论。在试图破坏《欧洲人权公约》有关规定的联合王国,内政大臣对联合国酷刑问题特别报告员的批评作出了严厉的回应,对联合国及其所谓的关注“人权”的行为进行了谴责。在大西洋的另一端,关于“外国法”与宪法裁定的相关性的辩论也同样激烈。许多自由派学者与保守派知识分子一道宣布国际法从根本上是反民主的。欧洲经验作为分析的基础,通过主张理解国际人权法和国际裁决作为“合理性”实践,挑战了普遍的怀疑态度。在这种观点下,国际法有义务使各国仅为那些能够证明其合法性的当地实践辩护。偏离共享的,公开发展的,跨社区的员工ndards。这项义务可能会因个人索赔而部分触发。此外,该理论还设想了在严格的一元二元对立二分法之外的国家宪法与国际审判之间的关系。按照这种二分法,国际法要么是直接渗透到国家法律秩序中的权威性外部法律体系,要么是必须首先通过国家宪法的棱镜来过滤的外国法律语料库。相反,该条认为,国际裁决应被认为具有说服力,而不是压倒一切。应将国际和宪法规范理解为在上下文中相互竞争的法治价值观,而不是相互冲突的冲突法律渊源。第一部分阐述了关于“合理性观点”的理论框架。第二部分将这一框架应用于欧盟法律,研究一方面是欧洲法院(ECJ)和欧洲人权公约(EHRC)判例法,另一方面是国内法之间建立的关系。



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