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Screening to prevent spontaneous preterm birth: systematic reviews of accuracy and effectiveness literature with economic modelling.




OBJECTIVES: To identify combinations of tests and treatments to predict and prevent spontaneous preterm birth. DATA SOURCES: Searches were run on the following databases up to September 2005 inclusive: MEDLINE, EMBASE, DARE, the Cochrane Library (CENTRAL and Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group trials register) and MEDION. We also contacted experts including the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group and checked reference lists of review articles and papers that were eligible for inclusion. REVIEW METHODS: Two series of systematic reviews were performed: (1) accuracy of tests for the prediction of spontaneous preterm birth in asymptomatic women in early pregnancy and in women symptomatic with threatened preterm labour in later pregnancy; (2) effectiveness of interventions with potential to reduce cases of spontaneous preterm birth in asymptomatic women in early pregnancy and to reduce spontaneous preterm birth or improve neonatal outcome in women with a viable pregnancy symptomatic of threatened preterm labour. For the health economic evaluation, a model-based analysis incorporated the combined effect of tests and treatments and their cost-effectiveness. RESULTS: Of the 22 tests reviewed for accuracy, the quality of studies and accuracy of tests was generally poor. Only a few tests had LR+ > 5. In asymptomatic women these were ultrasonographic cervical length measurement and cervicovaginal prolactin and fetal fibronectin screening for predicting spontaneous preterm birth before 34 weeks. In this group, tests with LR- < 0.2 were detection of uterine contraction by home uterine monitoring and amniotic fluid C-reactive protein (CRP) measurement. In symptomatic women with threatened preterm labour, tests with LR+ > 5 were absence of fetal breathing movements, cervical length and funnelling, amniotic fluid interleukin-6 (IL-6), serum CRP for predicting birth within 2-7 days of testing, and matrix metalloprotease-9, amniotic fluid IL-6, cervicovaginal fetal fibronectin and cervicovaginal human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) for predicting birth before 34 or 37 weeks. In this group, tests with LR- < 0.2 included measurement of cervicovaginal IL-8, cervicovaginal hCG, cervical length measurement, absence of fetal breathing movement, amniotic fluid IL-6 and serum CRP, for predicting birth within 2-7 days of testing, and cervicovaginal fetal fibronectin and amniotic fluid IL-6 for predicting birth before 34 or 37 weeks. The overall quality of the trials included in the 40 interventional topics reviewed for effectiveness was also poor. Antibiotic treatment was generally not beneficial but when used to treat bacterial vaginosis in women with intermediate flora it significantly reduced the incidence of spontaneous preterm birth. Smoking cessation programmes, progesterone, periodontal therapy and fish oil appeared promising as preventative interventions in asymptomatic women. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents were the most effective tocolytic agent for reducing spontaneous preterm birth and prolonging pregnancy in symptomatic women. Antenatal corticosteroids had a beneficial effect on the incidence of respiratory distress syndrome and the risk of intraventricular haemorrhage (28-34 weeks), but the effects of repeat courses were unclear. For asymptomatic women, costs ranged from 1.08 pounds for vitamin C to 1219 pounds for cervical cerclage, whereas costs for symptomatic women were more significant and varied little, ranging from 1645 pounds for nitric oxide donors to 2555 pounds for terbutaline; this was because the cost of hospitalisation was included. The best estimate of additional average cost associated with a case of spontaneous preterm birth was approximately 15,688 pounds for up to 34 weeks and 12,104 pounds for up to 37 weeks. Among symptomatic women there was insufficient evidence to draw firm conclusions for preventing birth at 34 weeks. Hydration given to women testing positive for amniotic fluid IL-6 was the most cost-e
机译:目的:确定测试和治疗方法的组合,以预测和预防自发性早产。数据来源:截至2005年9月,在以下数据库中进行搜索:MEDLINE,EMBASE,DARE,Cochrane图书馆(中央和Cochrane妊娠和分娩组试验注册)和MEDION。我们还与Cochrane妊娠和分娩小组等专家进行了联系,并检查了符合纳入条件的评论文章和论文的参考清单。回顾方法:进行了两套系统的回顾:(1)预测无症状孕妇在早孕和有症状的早产先兆的女性中自发性早产的预测方法的准确性; (2)干预措施的有效性,可以减少妊娠早期无症状妇女的自发性早产病例并减少自发性早产或改善新生儿结局。对于卫生经济评估,基于模型的分析结合了测试和治疗的综合效果及其成本效益。结果:在所审查的22项准确性测试中,研究质量和测试准确性普遍较差。仅少数检查的LR +>5。在无症状的妇女中,应进行超声颈椎长度测量以及宫颈阴道催乳素和胎儿纤连蛋白的筛查,以预测34周前的自然早产。在该组中,LR- <0.2的测试是通过家庭子宫监测和羊水C反应蛋白(CRP)测量来检测子宫收缩。在有早产先兆的有症状妇女中,LR +> 5的测试为无胎儿呼吸运动,宫颈长度和漏气,羊水白介素6(IL-6),血清CRP预测测试后2-7天内的出生,以及基质金属蛋白酶9,羊水IL-6,子宫颈阴道胎儿纤连蛋白和子宫颈阴道人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)可预测34或37周之前的出生。在这一组中,LR- <0.2的测试包括宫颈阴道IL-8的测量,宫颈阴道hCG的测量,宫颈长度的测量,胎儿呼吸运动的缺乏,羊水IL-6和血清CRP的预测,以在测试的2-7天内预测出生以及宫颈阴道胎儿纤连蛋白和羊水IL-6可预测34或37周之前的出生。审查的40个干预性主题中包括有效性的试验的总体质量也很差。抗生素治疗通常无济于事,但当用于治疗中度菌群女性的细菌性阴道病时,它会大大降低自发性早产的发生率。戒烟计划,孕酮,牙周治疗和鱼油似乎是无症状妇女的预防性干预措施。非甾体类抗炎药是减少有症状妇女自发性早产和延长妊娠的最有效的安胎药。产前皮质类固醇对呼吸窘迫综合征的发生率和脑室内出血风险(28-34周)具有有益作用,但重复疗程的作用尚不清楚。对于无症状的女性,费用从维生素C的1.08磅到宫颈环扎的1219磅不等,而有症状的女性的费用则更大,变化不大,从一氧化氮供体的1645磅到特布他林的2555磅不等。这是因为包括了住院费用。与自发早产有关的额外平均成本的最佳估计是:长达34周约15688磅,长达37周约12104磅。在有症状的妇女中,没有足够的证据为34周预防分娩得出明确的结论。给羊水IL-6呈阳性的妇女补水是最省钱的



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