首页> 外文期刊>Hart's E&P >Resizable screens fit for purpose: Expandable sand screens have been around for some time, but new designs feature mechanical integrity that is key to their post-expansion screenability benefits

Resizable screens fit for purpose: Expandable sand screens have been around for some time, but new designs feature mechanical integrity that is key to their post-expansion screenability benefits


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Mechanical integrity was the primary consideration in developing an expandable sand control system that could function as a viable alternative to gravel packing in horizontal openhole wells. The result was the EXPress Expandable Sand Control Screen from Baker Oil Tools, which has allowed zero sand production since its introduction in 2001. The Express screen was designed to combine premium sand exclusion with downhole outside diameter and inside diameter expandability for enhanced wellbore stability. To accomplish this dual objective, a patented design founded on solid, perforated base pipe was used, along with a proprietary threaded connection and filter membrane construction (Figure 1). The mechanical structure of the perforated pipe design offers superior collapse resistance when compared to slotted configurations.
机译:机械完整性是开发可扩展防砂系统的主要考虑因素,该系统可作为水平裸眼井中砾石充填的可行替代方案。结果是Baker Oil Tools的EXPress可膨胀防砂筛网自2001年问世以来已实现了零砂生产。Express筛网旨在将优质的排砂性能与井底外径和内径可扩展性相结合,从而提高了井眼的稳定性。为了实现这一双重目标,使用了基于实心穿孔基管的专利设计,以及专有的螺纹连接和滤膜结构(图1)。与开槽配置相比,多孔管设计的机械结构具有出色的抗塌陷性。



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