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Specialization training programs for physician assistants: Symbolic violence in the medical field?


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The physician assistant (PA) profession is well established in the United States healthcare system dating back to the late 1960s. The initial premise of this unique practitioner was a dependent adjunct to the physician taught in the medical model. Inherent to the profession from the onset is the team approach to patient care allowing for the physician to broaden their availability to patients, provide and maintain continuity of quality medical care, and reduce medical cost by way of improved practice performance and physician productivity. Although the world of medicine consists of non-physician practitioners working together for the common purpose of quality care, e.g., nurse practitioners and advanced practice nurses, the PA is the only mid-level medical practitioner with the clinical knowledge and skills anchored by the medical and dyadic relationship with physicians.State medical boards govern PA practice in the United States and, although each state has individualized practice acts, there is a common thread allowing the physician/PA team leeway in the interpretation and action upon specific delegated responsibilities and procedures (American Academy of Physician Assistants [AAPA], 2011). Ultimately, the physician is responsible and accountable for the actions of the PA lending to a relationship built on robust communication and trust.
机译:医师助理(PA)专业可以追溯到1960年代后期,在美国的医疗保健系统中享有盛誉。这个独特的从业者的最初前提是医学模型中所教授医师的依附性。从一开始,该行业就固有了团队护理方法,允许医师扩大对患者的服务范围,提供并维持优质医疗服务的连续性,并通过提高执业绩效和医师生产率来降低医疗成本。尽管医学界包括为高质量护理的共同目的而合作的非医师,例如护士和高级执业护士,但PA是唯一具有临床知识和技能的中级医师州医疗委员会负责管理美国的PA行为,尽管每个州都有个性化的执业行为,但有一条共同的线索允许医生/ PA团队根据特定的委托职责和程序来解释和采取行动(美国医师助理学院[AAPA],2011年)。归根结底,医师对PA建立基于稳固的沟通和信任的关系所采取的行动负有责任。



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