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Special focus 2 Poland: Pump market and pump production in Poland


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In the second of two articles looking at new European Union countries we turn our attention to Poland. With its current levels of GNP growth and infrastructure development, Poland - the largest of the recent European Union accession countries - is an attractive market for capital investment items such as pumps. Piotr Switalski and Grzegorz Pakula of the Polish Pump Manufacturers Association discuss the forces that have shaped the development of the country's pump market from 1945 until the present and briefly examine the different sectors of that market. They also consider the history of pump production in Poland and outline the expertise of many of the country's major manufacturers. Poland, with its 38 million inhabitants is the largest of the ten countries that joined the European Union (EU) in 2004. Recently the country has enjoyed a national product (GNP) growth significantly higher that in the 'old' EU countries. However, one has to bear in mind that the national product per capita in Poland is currently much lower than the EU average and the level of infrastructure development is also far from that of the EU norm. The EU directives are forcing Poland to overcome its infrastructure shortcomings within the next few years, and this - combined with the above-mentioned economic growth - makes the country an attractive market for investment goods, including pumps.
机译:在探讨欧盟新国家的两篇文章的第二篇中,我们将注意力转向波兰。波兰目前的国民生产总值(GNP)增长水平和基础设施发展水平,是最近加入欧盟的最大国家-对水泵等资本投资项目而言,是一个有吸引力的市场。波兰泵制造商协会的Piotr Switalski和Grzegorz Pakula讨论了从1945年到现在影响该国泵市场发展的各种力量,并简要考察了该市场的不同领域。他们还考虑了波兰泵生产的历史,并概述了该国许多主要制造商的专业知识。波兰拥有3800万居民,是2004年加入欧盟(EU)的十个国家中最大的一个。最近,该国的国民生产总值(GNP)增长明显高于“旧”欧盟国家。但是,必须记住,波兰的人均国民生产总值目前远低于欧盟的平均水平,基础设施发展水平也远未达到欧盟的标准。欧盟指令正迫使波兰在未来几年内克服其基础设施的不足,加上上述的经济增长,波兰成为吸引投资产品(包括水泵)的诱人市场。



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