
8 Neuro-ophthalmology


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Axonal loss is thought to be the predominant cause of disability in progressive multiple sclerosis (MS). The retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) is composed largely of unmyelinated axons of retinal ganglion cells, and is accessible to study with optical coherence tomography (OCT), giving a measure of axonal loss. OCT measures of the RNFL thickness (RNFLT) and macular volume were studied in 23 patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis (primary progressive MS) (13 male; 10 female; mean age 52 years; median EDSS 6.0; mean disease duration 11 years), and 27 patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (secondary progressive MS) (8 male; 19 female; mean age 50 years; median EDSS 6; mean disease duration 22 years). Of the patients with secondary progressive MS, 14 had clinical history of optic neuritis (ON) in a single eye; the remaining patients had not had ON. Twenty healthy controls (11 male; 9 female; mean age 46 years) had RNFLT and macular volume studied. Of the patients' eyes not previously affected by ON, both the mean RNFL thickness and macular volume were reduced when compared with control values.
机译:轴突丢失被认为是进行性多发性硬化症(MS)致残的主要原因。视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL)主要由视网膜神经节细胞的未髓鞘轴突组成,可通过光学相干断层扫描(OCT)进行研究,以测量轴突损失。在23例原发性进行性多发性硬化症(原发性进行性MS)患者中研究了OCFL测量RNFL厚度(RNFLT)和黄斑体积(男13例;女10例;平均年龄52岁;中位EDSS 6.0;平均病程11年), 27例继发性进行性多发性硬化症(继发性进行性MS)(男8例;女19例;平均年龄50岁;中位EDSS 6;平均病程22年)。在继发进行性MS的患者中,有14只单眼有视神经炎(ON)的临床病史。其余患者未进行过手术。研究对象为20名健康对照者(11例男性; 9例女性;平均年龄46岁)。与对照值相比,先前未受ON影响的患者眼睛平均RNFL厚度和黄斑体积均减少。



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