首页> 外文期刊>Haryana Journal of Horticultural Sciences >Variability studies for tree characters in F_1 hybrids of peach

Variability studies for tree characters in F_1 hybrids of peach


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The tree characters such as trunk girth, height, spread and volume are important in selection of superior hybrids as these characters have direct correlation with fruit yield of the tree. In the present studies, July Elberta, Alton, J. H. Hale, Knato-5, Saharanpuri and Quetta were used as female parent and wild peach as male parent. These crosses resulted in the production of hybrid seedlings which were quite variable in respect of the characters under study. The mean values for trunk girth of the cross varied from 23.50 to 32.50 cm, tree height 2.70 to 2.84 m, tree spread 1.80 to 2.13 m and tree volume from 5.59 to 7.54 cm3.
机译:树木的性状(如树干的周长,高度,蔓延和体积)对于选择优良的杂种很重要,因为这些性状与树木的果实产量有直接的关系。在本研究中,七月埃尔伯塔,奥尔顿,J。H. Hale,Knato-5,撒哈拉普里和奎达被用作母本,而野生桃子被用作母本。这些杂交导致杂种幼苗的生产,就所研究的性状而言,其差异很大。十字架树干周长的平均值在23.50至32.50 cm之间,树高为2.70至2.84 m,树木传播为1.80至2.13 m,树木体积为5.59至7.54 cm3。



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