首页> 外文期刊>Wood and Fiber Science >Juvenile/mature wood transition in loblolly pine as defined by annual ring specific gravity, proportion of latewood, and microfibril angle.

Juvenile/mature wood transition in loblolly pine as defined by annual ring specific gravity, proportion of latewood, and microfibril angle.


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The length of juvenility or number of years a tree produces juvenile wood at a fixed height can be defined by the age of the wood at which properties change from juvenile to mature wood. This paper estimates the age of transition from juvenile to mature wood based on ring specific gravity (SG), proportion of annual ring in latewood and ring average microfibril angle (MFA). The threshold method and the segmented modelling approach were used to estimate the age of transition. Twenty loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations, 20-27 years old, were sampled across five physiographic regions in the southern United States. Increment cores were collected at 1.3 metres from 15 trees in each stand to determine ring specific gravity and proportion of latewood by X-ray densitometry and annual ring MFA by X-ray diffraction. Precisely determining the transition age between juvenile and mature wood was difficult because transition is gradual. The age of transition was found to differ by wood property because these properties mature at different rates due to genetic and environmental factors. Both the threshold and the segmented model approach showed that transition age varied among regions. Both approaches showed that length of juvenility based on ring SG was shorter in the South Atlantic and North Atlantic Coastal Plains (ranging from 5.5 to 7.9 years) compared to that in the Hilly Coastal Plain that ranged from 10.4 to 13.6 years. Using MFA to estimate the age of demarcation, both approaches showed the South Atlantic, Gulf Coastal and Hilly Coastal Plains had shorter lengths of juvenility (ranging from 8.4 to 10.4 years) than the Piedmont and North Atlantic Coastal Plain (ranging from 10.5 to over 20 years)..
机译:幼树的长度或树以固定高度生产幼木的年限,可以通过其年龄从幼木到成熟木的年龄来定义。本文根据圆环比重(SG),晚材在年轮中的比例和圆环平均微纤丝角(MFA)估算了从幼木过渡到成熟木材的年龄。阈值方法和分段建模方法用于估计过渡年龄。在美国南部的五个自然地理区域采样了20-27岁的二十个火炬松(Pinus taeda)人工林。在每个站位的15棵树上的1.3米处收集增量岩心,以通过X射线光密度法确定环比重和胶木比例,并通过X射线衍射确定年轮MFA。由于过渡是渐进的,因此很难准确确定幼木和成熟木材之间的过渡年龄。发现过渡年龄因木材特性而异,因为由于遗传和环境因素,这些特性以不同的速率成熟。阈值法和分段模型法均表明,过渡年龄因地区而异。两种方法都表明,与南部丘陵沿海平原的10.4年至13.6年相比,南大西洋和北大西洋沿海平原的SG环的幼年期较短(5.5至7.9年)。两种方法均使用MFA估算分界年龄,这表明南大西洋,墨西哥湾沿岸平原和丘陵沿海平原的幼体长短(从8.4年到10.4年)比皮埃蒙特和北大西洋沿海平原(从10.5到20多岁)年份)..



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