
Russian companies gear up to break the ice on the Bazhenov.


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Sources say tiiat Russian producers may be on die verge of replicating the US shale oil boom, a hope mat is largely pinned on the Bazhenov shale formation in the West Siberian Basin. Estimates of the formation's recoverable reserves have ranged as high 100B bbl of oil—five times the volumes estimated to be contained in Nordi Dakota's Bakken—and Moscow is hoping that die resource can be used to interrupt an anticipated decline in conventional oil production. According to LUKoil VP Leonid Fedun, "In 20 years, the Bazhenov might be Russia's main source of oil—even bigger than die Arctic oceans." Certainly there seems to be no denying that die resource is vast; according to CEO Tom Reed of Ruspetro, the Bazhenov "is bigger than the 10 to 15 next biggest shale plays combined".
机译:消息人士称,俄罗斯生产商可能正处于仿制美国页岩油繁荣的边缘,希望的寄托在很大程度上是西西伯利亚盆地巴热诺夫页岩的形成。估计该地层的可采储量高达100Bb /桶,是Nordi Dakota的Bakken中估计蕴藏量的5倍,莫斯科希望这种资源可以用来中断常规石油产量的预期下降。卢克石油公司副总裁列昂尼德·费敦说:“在20年内,巴热诺夫可能是俄罗斯的主要石油来源,甚至比北冰洋还大。”当然,似乎无可否认,资源是巨大的。根据Ruspetro的首席执行官汤姆·里德(Tom Reed)的说法,巴热诺夫“比下10个到15个最大的页岩气层加起来还要大”。



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