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BP Under the Gun in Oman


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If BP and Oman can't reach a final agreement on the expensive, technically complex Khazzan tight gas development by the end of April, the massive project risks serious delays, Oman's Oil Minister Mohammed al-Rumhy tells WGI. And if a deal is still elusive by the end of the year, there is a real possibility of a parting of the ways. "I would like BP to reach an agreement with us by next month or otherwise the whole project will be delayed," al-Rumhy said in an exclusive interview in the capital, Muscat, on Mar. 4. "This is what I would like — before the end of April, to close this down."
机译:阿曼石油部长穆罕默德·拉姆·罗姆希(Mohammed al-Rumhy)告诉WGI,如果BP和阿曼无法在4月底前就昂贵,技术复杂的Khazzan致密气开发达成最终协议,则该大型项目可能面临严重延误。而且,如果到年底仍无法达成交易,则很可能会分道扬ways。 al-Rumhy在3月4日于首都马斯喀特的独家专访中说:“我希望BP下个月与我们达成协议,否则整个项目将被推迟。” —在4月底之前关闭此功能。”



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