首页> 外文期刊>World journal of agricultural sciences >Response of soybean to inoculation with rhizobial strains: effect on growth, yield, N uptake and soil N status.

Response of soybean to inoculation with rhizobial strains: effect on growth, yield, N uptake and soil N status.


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A field experiment was conducted with ten treatments including nine different soybean rhizobia strains and one un-inoculated control in soybean cv. PK-416 under rain fed condition. The highest increase in plant dry matter and pod yield over control was achieved due to inoculation with strain SB-16. The strains like SB-12, SB-16, SB-102, SB-271 and SB-9 showed consistently better performance in N uptake by shoot and grain at different stages of growth, thus justifying the validity of the parameter to be used as indicator of N2 fixation efficiency of the inoculated strain. The soil N depleted by 13.4-20.2 per cent in the inoculation treatments and 29.6 per cent in the uninoculated control treatment after cropping of soybean. On the basis of efficiency ratio at 60 DAS the strains SB-12, SB-16, SB-102 and SB-271 were classified as efficient, the strains SB-6, SB-9, SB-120 and SB-294 as moderately efficient and the strain SB-243 was found inefficient with respect to their nitrogen fixation ability.
机译:用10种处理方法进行了田间试验,其中包括9种不同的大豆根瘤菌菌株和1种未接种的大豆cv对照。雨天条件下的PK-416。由于接种了SB-16菌株,使植物干物质和豆荚产量的增幅超过了对照。 SB-12,SB-16,SB-102,SB-271和SB-9等菌株在生长的不同阶段均表现出较好的芽和谷粒氮素吸收性能,从而证明了该参数可用于接种菌株N 2 固定效率的指标接种大豆后,土壤氮素在接种处理中减少了13.4-20.2%,在未接种的对照处理中减少了29.6%。根据60 DAS的效率比,将SB-12,SB-16,SB-102和SB-271菌株分类为有效菌株,将SB-6,SB-9,SB-120和SB-294菌株分类为中等菌株菌株SB-243的固氮能力低下。



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