首页> 外文期刊>Western Journal of Applied Forestry >Use of wood waste in rehabilitation of landings constructed on fine-textured soils, central interior British Columbia, Canada

Use of wood waste in rehabilitation of landings constructed on fine-textured soils, central interior British Columbia, Canada


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Rehabilitation of temporary landings and roads constructed on fine-textured Alfisols must ameliorate poor soil structure, high bulk densities, and greatly reduced organic matter. A long-term field experiment in the central interior of British Columbia (BC) was begun in 1995 to compare soil properties and seedling growth on landings rehabilitated with three operationally feasible treatments: (1) incorporation of waste wood chips (140 t/ha, oven-dry basis), supplemented with 600 kg N/ha; (2) subsoiling; and (3) shallow tillage combined with recovery and spreading of topsoil. After 4 years, soil bulk density at 7-14 cm depth was lowest in the chip incorporation treatment. Although total C, N, and S, and mineralizable N concentrations were highest in the topsoil recovery treatment, the chip, incorporation treatment had the highest 3-year growth rates of hybrid white spruce (Picea glauca x engelmannii). Foliar analyses indicated that macro- and micronutrient concentrations were generally adequate, with only S and Mg being of concern. Establishment of paper birch (Betula papyrifera) did not succeed due to severe rodent damage to seedlings, perhaps encouraged by rapid and dense revegetation by seeded agronomic legumes. Silviculturists should consider treatments involving incorporation of chipped wood wastes, with appropriate supplementary N fertilization, in rehabilitation of access structures on fine-textured soils in the BC central interior.
机译:修复结构细密的Alfisol上的临时着陆点和道路必须改善不良的土壤结构,高堆积密度并大大减少有机物。 1995年,在不列颠哥伦比亚省中部地区开始了一项长期的野外试验,比较了三种可行的处理方法对修复后的土地上土壤性质和幼苗生长的影响:(1)掺入废木屑(140吨/公顷,烤箱干燥),补充600千克N / ha; (2)深松; (3)浅表耕作与表土的恢复和扩散相结合。 4年后,切屑掺入处理中7-14 cm深度的土壤容重最低。尽管在表土回收处理中总的C,N和S含量以及可矿化的N浓度最高,但碎屑,掺入处理的杂种白云杉(Picea glauca x engelmannii)的3年增长率最高。叶面分析表明,常量和微量营养素的浓度通常是足够的,仅关注硫和镁。桦树(Betula papyrifera)的建立由于啮齿动物对幼苗的严重破坏而未能成功,这可能是由于种子农艺豆科植物进行了迅速而密集的重新植被所致。养蚕学者应考虑在卑诗省中央内部细纹理土壤上的通道结构的修复中,加入碎木屑并进行适当的补充氮肥处理。



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