首页> 外文期刊>Western Fruit Grower >CLIMATE CHANGE: THE NEW NORMAL Whether this past year's chaotic weather events were isolated or a sign of what's to come, growers must be willing and able to adapt

CLIMATE CHANGE: THE NEW NORMAL Whether this past year's chaotic weather events were isolated or a sign of what's to come, growers must be willing and able to adapt


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BRING up topics like global warming and climate change, and more than likely you are going to raise a few eyebrows. There seems to be endless debate over whether or not global warming is real and a legitimate concern, and if it is, whether it's man-made or natural and if humans have any control over preventing it. However, if you cast aside this discussion and step into the reality of an apple orchard in Michigan or a vineyard in California, you're going to find some real and valid concerns. In 2012,the effects of an early heat wave followed by multiple spring freeze events in the Northeast brought devastation to many tree fruit farms, both in the crop and in the bank accounts of farm owners who were left without much of a product to sell. While 2013 is shaping up to be more of a "normal" year — if that word even applies anymore — the data presented by weather experts at grower meetings this past year indicates an overall trend of earlier bloom dates. The major question is, what does this mean for you, and is there anything you can do to counteract the effects of this trend?
机译:引发诸如全球变暖和气候变化之类的话题,您很有可能会引起一些注意。关于全球变暖是否是真实的和合理的关注,以及是否是人为的或自然的以及人类是否有控制措施来防止,全球似乎存在无休止的辩论。但是,如果您搁置此讨论并进入密歇根州苹果园或加利福尼亚州葡萄园的现实,您会发现一些真实而有效的问题。 2012年,东北地区发生了早期热浪,继而发生了多次春季冻结事件,这对许多果树农场造成了破坏,无论是作物还是农场主的银行账户,他们都没有太多产品可以出售。尽管2013年将成为更多的“正常”年份(如果这个词甚至不再适用),则气象专家在去年的种植者会议上提供的数据表明开花日期提前的总体趋势。主要的问题是,这对您意味着什么,您可以采取任何措施来抵消这种趋势的影响吗?



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