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California Cracking: It's that time of year when the state's cherry growers sweat bringing home the high-dollar - and high-risk - crop


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THIS time of year there are a group of growers in California who may pay as much or more attention to weather reports as growers anywhere: cherry growers. Just a report of showers can send shivers. "The losses can be incredible,' says Kitren Glozer, aresearcher in the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of California-Davis who has studied the fragile fruit at length. "I don't think I could live with the pressure." Many fruits can crack if subject to enough rainfall, says Glozer, but noneare as susceptible as cherries. The fruit's skin is only approximately 0.2 millimeters thick, and just three to four epidermal cell layers stand between a sweet crunchy fruit and a soggy mess. Water is taken up through micro-cuticular cracks in the skin, and subepidermal cells swell, leading to discoloration, softening, and, of course, cracking.
机译:每年的这个时候,加州有一些种植者,他们对天气报告的关注程度可能与其他任何地方的种植者一样多:樱桃种植者。仅仅有阵雨的报告会发出寒战。加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校植物科学系研究员基特·格洛泽(Kitren Glozer)说:“损失可能令人难以置信。他对脆弱的果实进行了详尽的研究。“我认为我无法承受这种压力。”格洛泽说,如果降雨充足,水果会裂开,但没有樱桃那么敏感,水果的皮肤只有大约0.2毫米厚,只有三到四个表皮细胞层介于香脆的水果和潮湿的烂摊子之间。通过皮肤上的微表皮裂缝吸收,表皮下细胞膨胀,导致变色,软化,当然也破裂。



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