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Strategies For Now: Perhaps it's time to reconsider how to defend almonds from this destructive pest


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THERE'S an old saying that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The theory behind that saying could hold the key for defeating the most destructive pest almond growers face, navel orangeworm (NOW), says Walt Bentley, a University of California entomologist and Cooperative Extension IPM adviser. The pest is a scavenger that feeds on nuts as well as other crops such as figs and raisins, and Bentley believes that food attraction could be the key to minimizing its damage. Much of the recent IPM research on combating NOW has focused on mating disruption. That makes a lot of sense, because mating disruption has proved to be extremely effective with other pests that also wreak a lot of havoc in their worm stage, such as codling moth and Oriental fruit moth. Mating disruption relies on the release of sex pheromones to confuse the adult moths so they can't mate, or at least are delayed in mating. If they can't mate as they normally would, populations rapidly dwindle.
机译:有句老话说,通往人心的途径就是通过他的肚子。加州大学昆虫学家兼合作推广IPM顾问Walt Bentley说,这种说法背后的理论可能是击败最具破坏力的害虫杏仁种植者的面孔-脐橙蠕虫(NOW)的关键。这种害虫是一种以坚果和其他作物(例如无花果和葡萄干)为食的清道夫,本特利认为,吸引食物可能是最大程度地减少其危害的关键。 IPM最近与NOW作战的许多研究都集中在交配破坏上。这很有意义,因为事实证明,交配破坏对于其他在蠕虫期也造成很多破坏的害虫(例如co蛾和东方果蛾)极为有效。交配破坏依赖于性信息素的释放,使成年蛾混淆,使它们无法交配,或者至少延迟交配。如果他们不能像往常一样交配,人口就会迅速减少。



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