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Pruning for dollars


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Sonoma county grape growers reward top employees and build esprit de crops through pruning contest. With the labor situation getting tighter, it's more important than ever for you to find and retain top employees. Besides the usual methods, up in the premium wine grape-growing region of Sonoma County, CA, growers also hold an annual contest to reward their top performers. The Sonoma County Pruning Championship, which is sponsored by the Sonoma County Grape Growers Association, was started a coupleof years ago. Organizers sought a way to recognize employees who were highly skilled at pruning, says Nick Frey, the association's executive director. Pruning is critical to maintain quality, not a small concern in an area that produces premium wines. "Leave too many (spurs), and the vines get out of balance," says Frey. "Too few, and there's less yield." The idea for the contest was borrowed from the Europeans, who have been conducting such events for many years. In fact, Frey says the competitions aresuch a big deal in Europe that they have reached the level of sporting events, with the competitors donning uniforms.
机译:索诺玛县的葡萄种植者通过修剪比赛奖励高级员工并种植农作物。随着劳动形势的日益严峻,寻找和留住顶尖员工比以往任何时候都更加重要。除了通常的方法外,在加利福尼亚州索诺玛县的优质葡萄酒产区,种植者还举行年度竞赛,以奖励表现最好的人。由索诺玛县葡萄种植者协会赞助的索诺玛县修剪锦标赛始于几年前。该协会执行董事尼克·弗雷(Nick Frey)表示,组织者寻求一种方法来识别修剪技巧高超的员工。修剪对于保持品质至关重要,而在生产优质葡萄酒的领域中,这不是一个小问题。 “离开太多(马刺),葡萄藤失去平衡,”弗雷说。 “太少了,产量就少了。”比赛的想法是从欧洲人那里借来的,他们已经进行了很多年的比赛。弗雷说,实际上,比赛在欧洲意义非凡,比赛达到了体育赛事的水平,选手们穿着校服。



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