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Yellowtail kingfish culture - Opportunities and problems


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Yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) are found in temperate waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans, off South Africa, Japan and the US. There are a number of species of yellowtail in the genus Seriola (Caran-gidae) (Heine and Kolkovski 2004). The species cultured in Australian and New Zealand is known as Seriola lalandi lalandi. In Japanese waters, four species of Seriola are recognized (Nakabo 1993) and three species, S. lalandi, S. quinqueradiata (yellowtail) and S. dumerili (amber-jack), are cultured (Nakada 2000). Another notable species that has gained interest as an aquaculture candidate is the pacific yellowtail, S. mazatlana (Benetti 1997). From 1979 through 1998, about 150,000 t of S. quinqueradiata were produced annually in Japan (Nakada 2000). The culture industries for yellowtail kingfish in Australia and New Zealand are relatively small compared to Japan and commenced in early 2000.
机译:在南非,日本和美国附近的​​太平洋和印度洋的温带水域中发现了tail鱼(Seriola lalandi)。 Seriola(Caran-gidae)属中有多种黄尾鱼(Heine and Kolkovski 2004)。在澳大利亚和新西兰养殖的物种被称为Seriola lalandi lalandi。在日本水域,人们认识到有四种Seriola(Nakabo,1993),并养殖了S.lalandi,S.quinqueradiata(黄尾)和S.dumerili(琥珀色)三种(Nakada,2000)。作为水产养殖候选者而引起兴趣的另一个著名物种是太平洋黄尾鱼,S。mazatlana(Benetti 1997)。从1979年到1998年,日本每年生产约15万吨西洋参(Nakada 2000)。与日本相比,澳大利亚和新西兰的黄尾金枪鱼养殖业相对较小,始于2000年初。



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