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Ups and downs of red claw crayfish farming in Ecuador


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Most people like to hear and read about success stories in aquaculture, however, only through experience can we improve and avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. However, this article does not describe a success story, but it offers some salutary lessons for us all as things did not behave quite as forecast. Hopefully, it will help other investors and farmers avoid such experiences of their own in the future. In 1994-95 a new species of a freshwater crustacean, the Australian red clawcrayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) was introduced into Ecuador as it appeared to have an interesting potential for aquaculture (Salame 1995, Romero 1997b). Expected prices, based on previous reports, were in the range of US10.00-14.00 dollar/kg for wholeanimals with weights over 60 g. Much attention was focused on this new industry, and consequently investors decided to develop farms in the coastal provinces of Ecuador, with most of the larger farms located in the province of Guayas.
机译:大多数人喜欢听和读关于水产养殖的成功案例,但是,只有通过经验,我们才能改进并避免一遍又一遍地犯同样的错误。但是,本文并没有描述成功的故事,但是它为我们所有人提供了一些有益的经验教训,因为事情的表现不尽如人意。希望它将帮助其他投资者和农民避免将来自己的这种经历。 1994-95年,一种新的淡水甲壳动物,澳大利亚红螯虾(Cherax quadricarinatus)被引入厄瓜多尔,因为它似乎具有令人感兴趣的水产养殖潜力(Salame 1995,Romero 1997b)。根据先前的报告,重量超过60克的动物的预期价格在10.00-14.00美元/公斤之间。很多人关注这一新兴产业,因此,投资者决定在厄瓜多尔沿海省份发展农场,大多数较大的农场都位于瓜亚斯省。



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