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Rearing reef fish in a bucket; It's easier than you think, andprofitable too


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A surge in the interest of keeping marine ornamental fishes recently took place after release of the cartoon film "Finding Nemo," about the dramatic life of a captured anemonefish and his way back to the ocean. Specifically, the film created a significant increase in the demand for anemonefishes. Anemonefishes belong to the family Pomacentridae, with approximately 325 species. Within the family Pomacentridae, all 28 known anemonefish species belong to the two genera Amphiprion and Premnas, which comprise the Amphiprioninae, one of four pomacentrid subfamilies. The only other damselfishes that sometimes reside with anemones are Dascyllus trimaculatus, and D. albisella, which belong to another subfamily, the Chrominae. For some essential biology about the anemonefishes and their host, I strongly recommend consulting Fautin and Allen's prize-winning field guide to anemonefishes and their host. This guide is available as a book and as a free on-line web edition (http://biodiversity.uno.edu/ebooks/intro.html).
机译:在上映卡通电影《海底总动员》之后,人们对保存海洋观赏鱼的兴趣激增,这是关于捕获的海葵鱼的戏剧性生活及其返回海洋的方式。特别是,这部影片极大地提高了对银莲花的需求。银莲花属(Aemonefishes)属于Pomacentridae科,约有325种。在Pomacentridae科中,所有28种已知的海葵属物种都属于Amphiprion和Premnas的两个属,其中包括Amphiprioninae,这是四个pomacentrid亚科之一。有时与海葵一起生活的唯一其他雀鲷是Dascyllus trimaculatus和D. albisella,它们属于另一个亚科Chrominae。对于一些关于海葵鱼及其寄主的基本生物学知识,我强烈建议您查阅福廷(Fautin)和艾伦(Allen)屡获殊荣的海葵鱼及其寄主现场指南。该指南可以作为书本获得,也可以作为免费的在线网络版本(http://biodiversity.uno.edu/ebooks/intro.html)获得。



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