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WhyTilapia from China Are the Cheapest? An Analysis Based on Statistical Data


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China is the largest producer of tilapia in the world, with total output reaching 1,657,7171 in 2013, accounting for 34 percent of global tilapia production (5,446,8001). Tilapia production in China has steadily increased since 2000, with an average growth rate in the decade of 11.7 percent (Fig. 1). The production in 2013 was 2.63 times of that of 2000.Tilapia ranks sixth in species produced in freshwater aquaculture in China and tilapia production accounts for about 7 percent of the total output from freshwater aquaculture (Fig. 2). Tilapias are mainly farmed in the tropical and subtropical regions ofsouthern coastal China, in the provinces of Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and Fujian (Fig. 3). Affected by temperature restrictions on growth, tilapias are thinly distributed in central and northern China and production from these regions only accounts forabout 4 percent of national production.
机译:中国是世界上最大的罗非鱼生产国,2013年总产量达到1,657,7171,占全球罗非鱼总产量(5,446,8001)的34%。自2000年以来,中国罗非鱼的产量一直稳定增长,十年间的平均增长率为11.7%(图1)。 2013年的产量是2000年的2.63倍。罗非鱼在中国淡水养殖中生产的物种中排名第六,罗非鱼的产量约占淡水养殖总产量的7%(图2)。罗非鱼主要养殖在中国南部沿海的热带和亚热带地区,在广东,海南,广西和福建等省(图3)。受生长温度限制的影响,罗非鱼在中国中部和北部分布较薄,这些地区的产量仅占全国产量的4%。



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