首页> 外文期刊>Weed Technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Crop response and control of common purslane (Portulaca oleraceae) and prostrate pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides) in green onion with oxyfluorfen.

Crop response and control of common purslane (Portulaca oleraceae) and prostrate pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides) in green onion with oxyfluorfen.

机译:含氧氟虫草的葱中普通马齿((Portulaca oleraceae)和pro藜(Amaranthus blitoides)的作物响应和防治。

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Weed management in green onion continues to be a challenge for vegetable growers in Ohio. Field experiments were conducted from 2005 to 2009 to evaluate oxyfluorfen efficacy on common purslane and prostrate pigweed and green onion tolerance when applied POST at 0, 30, 70, 105, and 290 g ai ha-1 approximately 3 wk after planting. No crop injury was observed from any of the herbicide rates, except in 2009 when 209 g ha-1 oxyfluorfen resulted in 10% injury at 7 d after treatment. The transient injury did not reduce green onion yield. Green onion yield ranged from 1.8 to 2.2 kg plot-1 in 2006 and 1.3 to 1.5 kg plot-1 in 2009. In 2007 yield increased linearly from 1.9 to 3.0 kg plot-1 with oxyfluorfen rates of 0 to 105 g ha-1. Common purslane control increased as the rate of oxyfluorfen increased. Application of oxyfluorfen at 70 to 105 g ha-1 provided the best control of common purslane, ranging from 61 to 95% across the years. Similar control results were observed for prostrate pigweed. Prostrate pigweed control with 70 to 105 g ha-1 ranged from 40 to 93% from 2005 to 2009. These results suggest that green onion tolerates oxyfluorfen rates of 70 to 105 g ha-1, and these rates provide common purslane and prostrate pigweed control that growers would find acceptable. Registration of the water-based formulation of oxyfluorfen would provide growers an opportunity to control weeds and reduce the need for hand labor.
机译:对于俄亥俄州的蔬菜种植者来说,葱的杂草管理仍然是一个挑战。从2005年到2009年进行了田间试验,评估了POST在0、30、70、105和290 g ai ha -1 约3的条件下,氟草醚对普通马齿and和pro藜和大葱的耐受性播种后除除草剂用量外,未观察到对作物的伤害,除了2009年处理后7 d出现209 g ha -1 氟芴导致10%的伤害。短暂的伤害并没有降低葱的产量。大葱的产量在2006年从1.8到2.2公斤积 -1 不等,在2009年从1.3到1.5公斤积 -1 不等。2007年,产量从1.9公斤到3.0公斤线性增加 -1 的氟苯酚比率为0至105 g ha -1 。常见的马齿ane控制随着氧氟芬比率的增加而增加。在70至105 g ha -1 上使用氟氧芬可提供最佳的马齿best控制效果,多年来,其控制范围为61%至95%。对于pro杂草,观察到相似的防治结果。从2005年到2009年,控制杂草的70至105 g ha -1 范围为40%至93%。这些结果表明,大葱可耐受70至105 g ha -1 < / sup>,并且这些比率提供了常见的马齿and和长势良好的杂草控制,而种植者则可以接受。水性氟草醚制剂的注册将为种植者提供控制杂草和减少手工劳动的机会。



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