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Canadian Home Furnishings Market responds to changes in market, increased demand


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The canadian Home Furnishings Market in January ran from the 11 to the 14 the International Centre in Mississauga, Ont. Nearly 475 exhibitors, inculuding 75 exhibitors from the permanent showrooms at Canada's Furniture Mart, showed off home furnishings, bedding, accessories, lighting, juvenile furniture, appliances and related products. The show was sold out several months early, even with the addition of space in Hall 5. The featured presenter this year was the well-publicized David Foote, author of the best-seller, Boom, Bust and Echo: How to Profit from the Coming Demographic Shift. Foote researches and writes about the economic impact of demographic change, both in terms of private and public policy. Foote discussed how individuals can use cultural information to their advantage.
机译:一月份的加拿大家居市场从安大略省密西沙加国际中心的11点到14点不等。来自加拿大家具市场常设展位的近475家展商,其中包括75家参展商,展示了家具,床上用品,配件,照明,少年家具,电器及相关产品。该节目早在几个月前就售罄,即使在5号馆中​​也增加了空间。今年的演讲嘉宾是广为人知的大卫·富特(David Foote),畅销书《繁荣,萧条和回声》的作者:《如何从中获利》即将发生的人口变化。富特研究和撰写有关人口变化对私人和公共政策的经济影响的文章。富特讨论了个人如何利用文化信息来发挥自己的优势。



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