首页> 外文期刊>Wireless personal communications: An Internaional Journal >Supporting Adaptive Context-Aware Services and Novel Handover Scheme for Smart Ubiquitous Communication System

Supporting Adaptive Context-Aware Services and Novel Handover Scheme for Smart Ubiquitous Communication System


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Since people communicate with each other by mobile phones more and more frequently in daily lives, they pay more attention on the quality and rating of communication and the battery consumption when using the mobile phones. In order to provide users the services with low price, high communication quality and less battery consumption in any environments, this paper selects the users' acceptable communication services upon communication quality, communication rating and battery consumption when using mobile phones according to the users' communication habits. Besides, in order to solve the problems of overhead and latency when the users switch network bases in the use of network phones, we propose a Novel Handover Scheme based on Host Identity Protocol et al. (Fan, A Novel handover scheme for HIP mobile networks. Master Thesis, National Dong Hwa University in Taiwan, 2007) to accelerate handover speed to fulfill Smart Ubiquitous Communication System.
机译:由于人们在日常生活中通过手机进行通信的频率越来越高,因此他们在使用手机时更加关注通信的质量和等级以及电池的电量消耗。为了在任何环境下为用户提供价格低,通信质量高,电池消耗少的服务,本文根据用户的通信情况,根据用户使用手机时的通信质量,通信等级和电池消耗情况来选择用户可接受的通信服务。习惯。此外,为了解决用户在使用网络电话时切换网络基础时的开销和延迟问题,我们提出了一种基于主机身份协议等的新型切换方案。 (Fan,一种用于HIP移动网络的新型切换方案。台湾国立大学,硕士论文,2007年),以加快切换速度,以实现智能无处不在通信系统。



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