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The Beaufort scale of winds - its relevance, and its use by sailors


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Mariners have always recognized qualitative gradations in wind; for centuries, in accounts of their voyages, they have used such words in common usage as air, breeze and gale with various adjectival qualifications, but without any agreed definitions.An early suggestion for creating a standard scale of winds was made by Daniel Defoe (1704) after he had witnessed and described the Great Storm of 1703. Even as late as the early nineteenth century, however, there was still no common standard - nationally or internationally - for ship captains to enter wind conditions in their logbooks. British seamen were converging on a scale of 12 or 13 points although European sailors used a variety of scales ranging from as few as 4 up to 10 points (Kinsman, 1969).
机译:水手们总是认识到风的定性等级。几个世纪以来,由于航行的原因,他们经常使用带有各种形容词资格的空气,微风和烈风等词语,但没有任何约定的定义.Daniel Defoe(在他见证并描述了1703年的大风暴之后(1704年)。然而,即使到19世纪初,国内还是国际上也没有统一的标准来规定船长在其航海日志中输入风况。尽管欧洲水手使用的刻度范围从4点到10点不等,但英国海员的收敛幅度为12或13点(Kinsman,1969)。



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