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RoMR: robust multicast routing in mobile wireless networks


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Support for multicast services is crucial for content distribution in mobile wireless networks (MWNs). Efficient multicasting in MWNs faces challenges not encountered in other types of networks such as the mobility of nodes, the tenuous status of communication links, limited resources, and indefinite knowledge of the network topology. This paper addresses these challenges by providing a framework and architecture with proactive and reactive components to support multicasting in MWNs emphasizing reliability and efficiency of end-to-end packet delivery. The architecture includes the Robust Multicast Routing protocol (RoMR) to provide efficient multicast services for content distribution MWNs. RoMR’s architecture includes a proactive and reactive component. The proactive component calculates multiple multicast trees based on the prediction of future availability of the links and the assumption that the trees will become disconnected over time. The reactive components respond to changes in the network topology due to the mobility of the nodes and to changes in the multicast group's membership. The novelty of the proposed protocol stems from integrating techniques that have not previously been combined into a multicasting protocol and a unique method to calculate the relative weights of the links. In addition to the specifications of the protocol, a simulation framework was developed to test different implementations of the various components of RoMR. Simulations compared the performance of the basic version of RoMR to a version that ignored link weights, and to the Multicast Optimized Link State Routing (MOLSR) protocol, a source tree-based, topology aware multicast protocol. A statistical analysis of the results showed that RoMR performed better, overall, than the other two protocols.
机译:对多播服务的支持对于移动无线网络(MWN)中的内容分发至关重要。 MWN中的有效多播面临其他类型的网络中未遇到的挑战,例如节点的移动性,通信链路的脆弱状态,有限的资源以及对网络拓扑的不确定了解。本文通过提供具有主动和被动组件的框架和体系结构来解决这些挑战,以支持MWN中的多播,强调端到端数据包交付的可靠性和效率。该体系结构包括健壮的组播路由协议(RoMR),可为内容分发MWN提供有效的组播服务。 RoMR的体系结构包括主动和被动组件。主动组件基于对链接的未来可用性的预测以及这些树将随着时间而断开的假设来计算多个多播树。反应性组件响应由于节点的移动性而引起的网络拓扑中的更改以及多播组成员身份的更改。所提出协议的新颖性源于集成技术,该技术以前尚未被组合到多播协议中,并且是一种独特的方法来计算链路的相对权重。除了协议的规范外,还开发了一个仿真框架来测试RoMR各种组件的不同实现。仿真将RoMR基本版本的性能与忽略链接权重的版本以及组播优化的链接状态路由(MOLSR)协议(基于源树,拓扑感知的组播协议)进行了比较。结果的统计分析表明,RoMR总体上比其他两种协议更好。



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