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Hirschsprung disease: a developmental disorder of the enteric nervous system. [Review]

机译:Hirschsprung疾病:肠神经系统的发育障碍。 [评论]

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Hirschsprung disease (HSCR), which is also called congenital megacolon or intestinal aganglionosis, is characterized by an absence of enteric (intrinsic) neurons from variable lengths of the most distal bowel. Because enteric neurons are essential for propulsive intestinal motility, infants with HSCR suffer from severe constipation and have a distended abdomen. Currently the only treatment is surgical removal of the affected bowel. HSCR has an incidence of around 1:5,000 live births, with a 4:1 male:female gender bias. Most enteric neurons arise from neural crest cells that emigrate from the caudal hindbrain and then migrate caudally along the entire gut. The absence of enteric neurons from variable lengths of the bowel in HSCR results from a failure of neural crest-derived cells to colonize the affected gut regions. HSCR is therefore regarded as a neurocristopathy. HSCR is a multigenic disorder and has become a paradigm for understanding complex factorial disorders. The major HSCR susceptibility gene is RET. The penetrance of several mutations in HSCR susceptibility genes is sex-dependent. HSCR can occur as an isolated disorder or as part of syndromes; for example, Type IV Waardenburg syndrome is characterized by deafness and pigmentation defects as well as intestinal aganglionosis. Studies using animal models have shown that HSCR genes regulate multiple processes including survival, proliferation, differentiation, and migration. Research into HSCR and the development of enteric neurons is an excellent example of the cross fertilization of ideas that can occur between human molecular geneticists and researchers using animal models. WIREs Dev Biol 2013, 2:113-129. doi: 10.1002/wdev.57 For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website
机译:Hirschsprung病(HSCR),也称为先天性巨结肠或肠神经节病,其特征是最远端肠段长度可变,缺乏肠道(内源性)神经元。由于肠神经元对于推进肠动力是必不可少的,因此患有HSCR的婴儿患有严重的便秘,腹部膨大。目前,唯一的治疗方法是手术切除受影响的肠子。 HSCR的发生率约为1:5,000,其中男:女的性别偏见为4:1。大多数肠神经元来自神经c细胞,这些神经rest细胞从尾后脑移出,然后沿整个肠道尾移。 HSCR肠段长度不等的肠神经元缺失是神经neural来源的细胞无法在受影响的肠道区域定居的结果。因此,HSCR被认为是神经病变。 HSCR是一种多基因疾病,已成为理解复杂阶乘疾病的范例。 HSCR的主要易感基因是RET。 HSCR易感基因中的几个突变的外显率是性别依赖性的。 HSCR可以作为孤立疾病或综合症的一部分发生;例如,IV型Waardenburg综合征的特征是耳聋和色素沉着缺陷以及肠神经节病。使用动物模型进行的研究表明,HSCR基因调控着多个过程,包括生存,增殖,分化和迁移。对HSCR和肠道神经元发育的研究是人类分子遗传学家和使用动物模型的研究人员之间可能发生的思想交叉受精的一个很好的例子。电线发展生物学2013,2:113-129。 doi:10.1002 / wdev.57有关本文的更多资源,请访问WIREs网站



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