首页> 外文期刊>Wildlife Society Bulletin >Habitat use of breeding red-headed woodpeckers on golf courses in Ohio.

Habitat use of breeding red-headed woodpeckers on golf courses in Ohio.


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The red-headed woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) once was a common species in much of the Midwest and eastern North America in oak (Quercus sp.) savanna, farmlands, and other open habitats with trees. This species has experienced a range-wide population decline over the last century that likely is associated with changes in land management within agro-ecosystems and loss of oak savanna. Due to structural similarities with natural habitats used by the species, we expected that golf courses could provide suitable breeding habitat for red-headed woodpeckers. From mid-May to early August 2002 and 2003, we censused red-headed woodpeckers on 100 randomly selected golf courses in northern and central Ohio, measured habitat characteristics at each course and surrounding each active woodpecker nest, and monitored nesting success of breeding pairs. We recorded 158 adult red-headed woodpeckers on 26 of the 100 censused courses. Golf courses used by red-headed woodpeckers contained trees that were 12% larger in diameter and had approximately twice as many hard-mast trees (e.g., oaks, hickories [Carya sp.], American beech [Fagus grandifolia]), standing dead trees (snags), and dead limbs as courses without woodpeckers. Habitat measurements at 49 active nests indicated that nest patches contained roughly twice as many hard-mast trees, snags, and dead limbs as non-nest habitat plots over the entire course. Most nests (67%) were located in dead limbs of live trees, rather than in snags. Of 16 nests monitored on courses, 75% successfully fledged >=1 young, and this was comparable to 10 nests monitored off courses, for which 80% successfully fledged >=1 young. Our findings illustrate that highly modified habitats, such as golf courses, could play a valuable role in the conservation of wildlife associated with open, disturbance-maintained woodlands, including the declining red-headed woodpecker..
机译:红头啄木鸟(Melanerpes erythrocephalus)曾经是中西部和北美东部大部分地区的常见物种,在橡树大草原(Quercus sp。)大草原,农田和其他树木茂密的开放栖息地中。该物种在上个世纪经历了范围广泛的种群下降,这可能与农业生态系统内土地管理的变化以及橡树大草原的丧失有关。由于与该物种使用的自然栖息地在结构上相似,我们希望高尔夫球场可以为红发啄木鸟提供合适的繁殖栖息地。从2002年5月中旬到8月初,我们在俄亥俄州北部和中部对100个随机选择的高尔夫球场的红头啄木鸟进行了人口普查,测量了每个路线以及每个活跃的啄木鸟巢周围的栖息地特征,并监测了繁殖对的筑巢成功。在100项普查课程中,我们记录了158只成年红头啄木鸟。红头啄木鸟使用的高尔夫球场的树木直径大12%,硬桅杆树木(例如橡树,山核桃[山核桃],美洲山毛榉[山毛榉])和死木的数量大约是后者的两倍。 (snags)和死肢作为没有啄木鸟的课程。对49个活动巢的栖息地测量表明,巢斑所包含的坚硬树木,断枝和枯枝大约是整个过程中非巢栖息地的两倍。大多数巢(67%)位于活树的枯枝中,而不是障碍物。在课程中监测到的16个巢中,有75%成功地孵化了> = 1的幼鸟,这与在课程外进行了监测的10个巢中,有80%成功地孵化了> = 1的幼鸟。我们的研究结果表明,经过高度改良的栖息地(例如高尔夫球场)在保护与开放且受干扰维持的林地相关的野生生物(包括下降的红头啄木鸟)中可能发挥着重要作用。



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