首页> 外文期刊>Wildlife Research >Effects of wildlife grazing on the production, ground cover and plant species composition of an established perennial pasture in the Midlands region, Tasmania

Effects of wildlife grazing on the production, ground cover and plant species composition of an established perennial pasture in the Midlands region, Tasmania


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Management of grazing wildlife on private land in Tasmania is a contentious issue for landowners, animal-welfare groups and the Tasmanian Government. Wildlife species known to graze pasture include Tasmanian pademelon (Thylogale billardierii), Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus), forester kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and fallow deer (Dama dama). Understanding the spatio-temporal patterns of wildlife grazing is important when considering wildlife-control options to mitigate pasture loss; however, limited research has been undertaken. Aims To quantify the impact of wildlife grazing on pasture production and to assess the spatial and temporal pasture biomass loss from an established pasture; to investigate the effect of protecting pastures from wildlife grazing on species composition of an existing perennial pasture; to determine whether wildlife grazing contributes to a decline in the composition of improved pasture species over time and an increase in-ground cover of less desirable grasses and broadleaf weeds; and to examine whether protecting pastures from wildlife grazing could increase ground cover. Methods Pasture biomass loss to wildlife grazing was determined by a paired exclusion-cage method over a 26-month period from February 2008 to April 2010. A quantitative pasture model was used to simulate pasture growth at the study site. Changes in the botanical composition of the sward in response to wildlife grazing were determined by hand-separation, drying and weighing of harvested material, and also by visual estimation of the ground cover of individual plant species. A wildlife faecal-pellet survey was used to develop an index of wildlife feeding activity. Key results Pasture loss to wildlife grazing varied spatially and temporally. Pasture loss decreased with increasing distance from the edge of cover vegetation. The proportion of pasture lost increased during periods of slow pasture growth. Visual estimates of ground cover showed that grazing by wildlife resulted in an increase in bare ground in unprotected swards, whereas protection from grazing resulted in an increase in production of perennial and annual species, as determined by hand-separation of harvested material, and a decrease in bare ground as determined by visual estimate. Faecal-pellet surveys were found to be strongly correlated with pasture biomass losses. Conclusions The proportion of pasture loss to wildlife grazing was found to be influenced by distance from native vegetation and also by pasture availability, which was seasonal. Wildlife can alter the composition of pastures by reducing the ground cover and yield of improved grasses. Continual grazing of pastures by wildlife in addition to rotational sheep grazing may increase the amount of bare ground. Implications Wildlife-control methods need to be carefully chosen if the intended benefits of alleviating pasture biomass losses are to be achieved. Quantifying the loss of pasture is important because it enables the extent and significance of losses to be determined and may inform decisions about the most appropriate wildlife control measures to adopt. Controlling wildlife during periods of slow pasture growth may be important in preventing damage and yield loss of plant species actively growing during these times. Failure to control wildlife may result in a decrease in the composition of desirable plant species.
机译:塔斯马尼亚州私人土地上的野生动物放牧管理对土地所有者,动物福利团体和塔斯马尼亚政府来说是一个有争议的问题。已知会放牧的野生动物物种包括塔斯马尼亚地瓜(Thylogale billardierii),贝内特的小袋鼠(Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus),袋鼠(Macropus giganteus),灌木尾负鼠(Trichosurus vulpecula)和小鹿(Dama dama)。在考虑采取野生生物控制措施以减轻牧场损失时,了解野生动物放牧的时空格局非常重要;但是,已经进行了有限的研究。目的量化野生动物放牧对牧场生产的影响,并评估已建立牧场的牧场生物量的时空损失;研究保护牧场免受野生动物放牧对现有多年生牧场物种组成的影响;确定野生动物放牧是否会导致改良牧场物种的组成随着时间的推移而减少,以及是否增加了不理想的草和阔叶杂草的地面覆盖率;并研究保护牧场免受野生动物放牧是否会增加地表覆盖率。方法采用配对排除笼法,确定了从2008年2月至2010年4月的26个月中牧场生物量因野生生物放牧而损失的情况。采用定量牧场模型来模拟研究地点的牧场生长。通过手工分离,干燥和称重收获的材料,以及通过目测单个植物物种的地被植物,确定响应于野生动物放牧的草的植物成分变化。野生动物粪便颗粒调查用于建立野生动物摄食活动指数。主要结果放牧对野生动植物的损失在空间和时间上是不同的。牧场损失随着与覆盖植被边缘距离的增加而减少。在牧草生长缓慢的时期,牧草损失的比例增加了。肉眼观察到的地面覆盖物显示,野生动物放牧导致未保护草皮的裸露土地增加,而不受放牧保护导致多年生和一年生物种的产量增加,这取决于手工分离收获的材料,而减少了在裸露的地面上,由视觉估算确定。粪便-弹丸调查发现与牧场生物量的流失密切相关。结论发现牧场损失占野生动植物放牧的比例受距本地植被的距离以及牧场可利用性(季节性)的影响。野生动物可以通过减少地被植物和改良草的产量来改变牧场的组成。除了轮流放牧绵羊以外,野生动物对牧场的持续放牧还可能增加裸露土地的数量。启示如果要实现减轻牧场生物量流失的预期利益,就必须谨慎选择野生生物控制方法。对牧场损失进行量化非常重要,因为它可以确定损失的程度和重要性,并可以为采取最适当的野生动植物控制措施提供依据。在牧草生长缓慢的时期控制野生生物可能对防止在此期间积极生长的植物物种的损害和产量损失很重要。无法控制野生动植物可能会导致所需植物种类的成分减少。



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