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Population-based incidence and patterns of cancer in Kamrup Urban Cancer Registry, India


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Background. Cancer is not a notifiable disease in India. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) initiated the National Cancer Registry Programme in 1982 to measure the burden and pattern of cancer in India. However, no data were available from the northeastern region till 2001 when a WHOsponsored, ICMR project showed a relatively high frequency of microscopically diagnosed cases of cancer in the region. A population-based cancer registry was established in January 2003 in Guwahati to cover the Kamrup Urban district in the northeastern region of India. We report the data generated in the first 6 years of the registry (2003-08). Methods. Information on cancer was obtained by voluntary participation of different sources including major hospitals, diagnostic centres, state referral board and birth and death registry centres within the registry area. A total of 6608 cases were registered during the 6-year period (1 January 2003- 31 December 2008); 3927 were men and 2681 women. Results. The age-adjusted incidence rates were 167.9 per 100 000 among men and 133.8 per 100 000 among women. The oesophagus was the leading site of cancer among men, comprising 18.3% of all cancers with an age-adjusted rate of 30.7 per 100 000. Among women, the breast followed by the cervix uteri were the leading sites of cancer. These two cancers comprised 30% of all cancers among women. Tobacco-related cancers accounted for 58.2% of cancers among men and 26.9% of cancers among women. Conclusion. The patterns observed from the analysis of data from the cancer registry at Guwahati provide comprehensive information on occurrence of cancer and can be valuable for planning cancer control programmes in the region.
机译:背景。在印度,癌症不是应报告的疾病。印度医学研究理事会(ICMR)于1982年启动了国家癌症登记计划,以衡量印度的癌症负担和模式。但是,直到2001年世卫组织赞助的ICMR项目显示该地区经显微镜诊断的癌症病例的发生率相对较高时,东北地区才能获得任何数据。 2003年1月,在瓜瓦哈蒂建立了一个基于人群的癌症登记系统,以覆盖印度东北地区的甘露普市区。我们报告在注册表的前6年(2003-08)中生成的数据。方法。有关癌症的信息是通过不同来源的自愿参与获得的,这些来源包括注册区域内的大型医院,诊断中心,州推荐委员会以及出生和死亡注册中心。在这6年期间(2003年1月1日至2008年12月31日),共登记了6608例;男性3927名,女性2681名。结果。年龄调整后的发病率在男性中为167.9 / 100 000,女性在133.8 / 100 000。食道是男性中癌症的主要发病部位,占所有癌症的18.3%,年龄调整率为30.7 / 100000。在女性中,乳腺癌紧随其后是子宫颈癌。这两种癌症占女性所有癌症的30%。烟草相关癌症占男性癌症的58.2%,女性癌症的26.9%。结论。从古瓦哈蒂癌症登记处的数据分析中观察到的模式可提供有关癌症发生情况的全面信息,对于规划该地区的癌症控制计划可能是有价值的。



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