首页> 外文期刊>The Mountain Geologist >Continental Ichnofossils of the Green River and Wasatch Formations, Eocene, Wyoming: A Preliminary Survey, Proposed Relation to Lake-Basin Type, and Application to Integrated Paleo-Environmental Interpretation

Continental Ichnofossils of the Green River and Wasatch Formations, Eocene, Wyoming: A Preliminary Survey, Proposed Relation to Lake-Basin Type, and Application to Integrated Paleo-Environmental Interpretation


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Alluvial and littoral portions of the Eocene Green River and Wasatch Formations in Wyoming contain a wide variety of trace fossils that record primarily the activity of air-breathing insects and vertebrates that respond to changes in lake level and groundwater table. Each member of the Eocene Green River and Wasatch Formations studied has a characteristic association of ichnofossils- the type, abundance, and diversity of ichnofossils vary in systematic ways that appear to be associated with lake-basin type. The Luman and. Niland Tongues and associated Wasatch Formation represent an overfilled lake basin, containing mostly epifaunal insect and tetrapod tracks and trails and few infaunal insect burrows in shoreline or lake-plain strata. Traces found here include Haplotichnus, Steinichnus, Fuersichnus, and adhesive meniscate burrows. These observations suggest persistently high water-table levels that accords with the co-occurrence of histosols, coals, and freshwater flora and fauna. The lower LaClede Bed, Green River Formation and coeval Wasatch Formation represent a balanced-fill lake basin, containing abundant traces attributable to insect activity in shoreline, floodplain, and mean-clering-fluvial strata. Ichnofossils found here include traces attributed to termite, ant, bee, caddisfly, and beetle nests and burrows, as well as others. Some meandering channel units up to 2.5-m thick contain extensive "ant nests", indicating complete withdrawal of surface and groundwater beyond the penetration of the "ant nests". Vertisols developed on floodplain strata contain traces attributed to bee nests and beetle burrows as well as tetrapod tracks, which also record fluctuations of the groundwater table. The Wilkins Peak Member, Green River Formation and Cathedral Bluffs Tongue, Wasatch Formation represent an underfilled lake basin containing abundant traces in sheet-flood deposits up to 3 m thick. Traces include those attributed to termite and beetles nests and burrows, as well as Maconopsis and Eatonichnus, indicating substantial drawdown of groundwater after deposition of the sheet-flood deposits. Bird and mammal tracks on multiple bedding planes demonstrate that multiple events deposited 30-70 cm thick bedsets with intervening water-level falls. Ichnofossil assemblages suggest soil moisture of 10-30% and minimum annual temperatures of > 4° C. Shoreline strata contain only such epifaunal trails as Scolicia and Cocblichnus, with other indices of saline to alkaline waters. Continental trace fossils provide valuable insights into details of depositional conditions of lake-margin, lake plain, fluvial, and floodplain paleoenvironments that commonly challenge conventional analyses. Ichnofossil analysis is powerful especially when combined with broader scale observations of stratal geometries, geochemistry, and lithologies in a lake-basin-type framework to provide more integrated pale-oenvironmental reconstructions that include groundwater and lake hydrology.
机译:怀俄明州始新世绿河和沃萨奇地层的冲积和沿海部分含有各种各样的痕迹化石,这些化石主要记录了对湖水位和地下水位变化做出响应的呼吸昆虫和脊椎动物的活动。研究的始新世绿河和沃萨奇岩层的每个成员都具有鱼类化石的特征性关联-鱼类化石的类型,丰度和多样性以与湖泊流域类型有关的系统方式变化。鲁曼和。 Niland舌头和相关的Wasatch地层代表了一个充满的湖盆,在海岸线或湖泊平原地层中主要含有表观昆虫和四足动物的踪迹和痕迹,很少有地下昆虫洞穴。在此发现的痕迹包括Haplotichnus,Steinichnus,Fuersichnus和黏性半月板洞穴。这些观察结果表明,地下水位持续升高,这与组织溶胶,煤和淡水动植物的共生相符。下部的拉克莱德河床,绿河组和中世纪的沃萨奇组代表了一个充满湖泊的盆地,其中含有丰富的痕迹,这些痕迹可归因于海岸线,洪泛区和平均开裂河床地层的昆虫活动。在这里发现的鱼类化石包括白蚁,蚂蚁,蜜蜂,毒蛾,甲虫的巢穴和洞穴等的痕迹。某些直至2.5 m厚的曲折河道单元都包含大量的“蚁巢”,表明地表水和地下水已完全撤出,超出了“蚁巢”的渗透范围。在洪泛区地层上发育的灰泥含有蜂巢和甲虫洞穴以及四足动物的痕迹,这些痕迹也记录了地下水位的波动。威尔金斯峰成员,绿河组和大教堂虚张声势的瓦萨奇组代表了一个未充满的湖盆,在厚达3 m的片状洪水沉积物中含有丰富的痕迹。痕迹包括那些归因于白蚁和甲虫的巢穴和洞穴以及Maconopsis和Eatonichnus的痕迹,表明片状洪水沉积物沉积后地下水大量减少。在多个铺垫平面上的鸟类和哺乳动物的踪迹表明,有多个事件沉积了30-70厘米厚的床组,中间有水位下降。鱼鳞化石的组合表明土壤湿度为10%至30%,最低年温度> 4°C。海岸线地层仅包含表埃科利希纳痕迹,如Scolicia和Cocblichnus,以及其他咸水到碱性水的指数。大陆痕迹化石提供了宝贵的见识,可深入了解通常挑战常规分析方法的湖泊边缘,湖泊平原,河流和洪泛区古环境的沉积条件。 Ichnofossil分析功能强大,特别是与在湖盆型框架中对地层几何结构,地球化学和岩性进行的更大规模观测相结合时,可以提供包括地下水和湖泊水文学在内的更完整的古环境重建。



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