首页> 外文期刊>Western North American Naturalist >Reproductive characteristics of two syntopic lizard species, Sceloporus gadoviae and Sceloporus jalapae (Squamata : Phrynosomatidae), from Tehuacan Valley, Puebla, Mexico

Reproductive characteristics of two syntopic lizard species, Sceloporus gadoviae and Sceloporus jalapae (Squamata : Phrynosomatidae), from Tehuacan Valley, Puebla, Mexico


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We studied the reproductive characteristics of 2 syntopic lizard species, Sceloporus gadoviae and Sceloporus jalapae (Phrynosomatidae). Specimens of S. gadoviae (N = 105) and S. jalapae (N = 41) were collected in a tropical arid forest from Tehuacan Valley, Puebla, Mexico. Males of S. gadoviae reached sexual maturity at the same snout-vent length (SVL; 45.0 mm) as S. jalapae, and a similar pattern occurred in females of both species (SVL; 41.0 and 42.0 mm, respectively). Males of S. gadoviae exhibited reproductive activity throughout the year, with a longer activity during the dry (November to May) and part of the wet season (June to September). In contrast, reproductive activity in S. jalapae males occurred during the wet season (July to September). Females of S. gadoviae showed continuous reproduction, whereas females of S. jalapae exhibited seasonal reproduction. Mean SVL of sexually mature females was higher for S. gadoviae ((x) over bar &PLUSMN; s(x) = 50.4 &PLUSMN; 0.52) than for S. jalapae (46.0 &PLUSMN; 0.54, P < 0.0001). Mean clutch size for S. gadoviae was lower (3.9 &PLUSMN; 0.14 eggs) than for S. jalapae (5.6 &PLUSMN; 0.43). There was no significant correlation between snout-vent length of females and clutch size of S. gadoviae (r(2) = 0.22 P > 0.05) or S. jalapae (r(2) = 0.48, P > 0.05). Our study Suggests that although both species inhabit the same environment, they have different reproductive characteristics.
机译:我们研究了两种蜥蜴的繁殖特性,即Scoloporus gadoviae和Scoloporus jalapae(Phrynosomatidae)。在墨西哥普埃布拉的特瓦坎河谷的热带干旱森林中,采集了S. gadoviae(N = 105)和S. jalapae(N = 41)的标本。 gadoviae的雄性在与雄性烟草相同的口鼻长度(SVL; 45.0 mm)下达到性成熟,并且在两个物种的雌性中发生相似的模式(分别为SVL; 41.0和42.0 mm)。 gadoviae的雄性全年都表现出生殖活动,而在干旱(11月至5月)和部分潮湿季节(6月至9月)中则有较长的活动。相反,在湿季(7月至9月),墨西哥胡椒的雄性繁殖活动发生。 gadoviae的雌性显示出连续繁殖,而Jalapae的雌性则表现出季节性繁殖。性成熟女性的平均SVL值比S. jalapae(46.0&PLUSMN; 0.54,P&LT; 0.0001)高(S)x(bar&PLUSMN; s(x)= 50.4&PLUSMN; 0.52)。加多巴链球菌的平均离体大小(3.9±MN; 0.14个鸡蛋)比墨西哥胡椒(5.6±PLUS; 0.43)低。雌性的口鼻部长度与g.viaviae的离合器大小(r(2)= 0.22 P&GT; 0.05)或Ja。Slap jalapae(r(2)= 0.48,P&GT; 0.05)之间没有显着相关性。我们的研究表明,尽管两个物种都居住在相同的环境中,但它们具有不同的生殖特征。



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