首页> 外文期刊>The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry >Radiographic analysis of crestal bone levels around Laser-Lok collar dental implants.

Radiographic analysis of crestal bone levels around Laser-Lok collar dental implants.


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This retrospective radiographic study was organized to evaluate the clinical efficacy of implants with Laser-Lok microtexturing (8- and 12-microm grooves). A physical attachment of connective tissue fibers to the Laser-Lok microtexturing on the implant collar has been previously demonstrated using human histology, polarized light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. This analysis of 49 implants demonstrated a mean crestal bone loss of 0.44 mm at 2 years postrestoration and 0.46 mm at 3 years. All bone loss was contained within the height of the collar, and no bone loss was evident to the level of the implant threads. The radiographic evaluation of the clinical application of this implant supports previous findings that establishing a biologic seal of connective tissue fibers around a dental implant may be clinically relevant.
机译:这项回顾性影像学研究旨在评估使用Laser-Lok微纹理(8微米和12微米凹槽)植入物的临床疗效。先前已使用人类组织学,偏光显微镜和扫描电子显微镜证明了结缔组织纤维在植入物颈环上与Laser-Lok微观纹理的物理连接。对49个植入物的分析表明,修复后2年平均骨丢失为0.44 mm,3年平均为0.46 mm。所有的骨丢失都被包含在颈圈的高度之内,并且在植入物螺纹的水平上没有明显的骨丢失。这种植入物临床应用的放射学评估支持了先前的发现,即在牙齿植入物周围建立结缔组织纤维的生物密封可能与临床有关。



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