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Efficiency Increase of Water Treatment Plants in Rwanda


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The drinking water for the urban areas of Rwanda is mainly produced from surface water. The water of rivers and lakes is often characterized by high turbidity, especially during the rainy season. To remove the turbidity chemicals are required in the flocculation process. The high demand for such chemicals can be significantly reduced by the choice of chemicals and their optimised application. Furthermore the extended use of groundwater allows an additional reduction. The use of surface water of highturbidity requires high dosing of coagulant, normally aluminium sulphate, to get well sedi-menting floes that enclose the small mineral particles of the raw water. When turbidity rises during the rainy season to values higher than 1,000 NTU (nephelometric turbidity units) coagulant dosing must be equally high. Due to the acidic reaction of aluminium salts pH is to be stabilized by dosing of lime.
机译:卢旺达市区的饮用水主要来自地表水。江河和湖泊的水通常具有高浊度的特征,尤其是在雨季。为了除去浊度,在絮凝过程中需要使用化学药品。通过选择化学药品及其优化的应用,可以大大降低对此类化学药品的高需求。此外,延长使用地下水还可以进一步减少。使用高浊度的地表水需要高剂量的凝结剂(通常是硫酸铝),以得到沉淀良好的沉淀物,这些沉淀物将原水的细小矿物颗粒包裹起来。当在雨季浊度上升到高于1,000 NTU(浊度单位)时,凝结剂的剂量必须同样高。由于铝盐的酸性反应,必须通过添加石灰来稳定pH值。



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