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Infection by Toxoplasma gondii in Neotropical non-human primates.


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Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1909) is an obligatory intracellular protozoan parasite of warm animals, including human and non-human primates. Domestic and wild felids are considered definitive hosts. Several authors have already identified lesions in New World primates caused by T. gondii. Nevertheless, little is known about serological studies on those animals. With this reason, New World non-human primates of the genera Cebus and Callithrix that were apprehended by governmental authorities and sent to the Wildlife Screening Center (Cetas)/IBAMA, at the municipality of Seropedica, state of Rio Janeiro, were bled and sera were submitted to the indirect hemagglutination test for detection of anti-T. gondii antibodies. From 21 sera of Cebus primates, 76.19% (16/21) had anti-T. gondii antibodies. Titles varied from 16 to 2048. In samples from 21 Callithrix, only 4.5% (1/22) had anti-T. gondii antibodies. Only one animal had a title of 32. During all the time those animals were clinical evaluated until sample was collected; none of them had any clinical sign or sequel related to infection by T. gondii. The fact that the origin of these primates is unknown and that there is no information about their feeding habits before captivity makes it difficult to determine the source of T. gondii infection.
机译:弓形虫(Nicolle等人,Manceaux,1909年)是温暖动物(包括人类和非人类灵长类动物)的必需细胞内原生动物寄生虫。家猫和野生猫科动物被认为是确定的宿主。几位作者已经确定了刚地弓形虫引起的新大陆灵长类动物的病变。然而,关于这些动物的血清学研究知之甚少。因此,被政府当局逮捕并送往里约热内卢州塞罗佩迪卡市野生动物筛查中心(Cetas)/ IBAMA的Cebus和Callithrix属的新世界非人类灵长类动物被放血并血清分离。接受间接血凝试验检测抗-T。刚地抗体。在Cebus灵长类动物的21个血清中,有76.19%(16/21)具有抗T抗体。刚地抗体。标题从16到2048不等。在21个Callithrix的样本中,只有4.5%(1/22)具有抗T。刚地抗体。只有一只动物的头衔为32。在所有时间中,对这些动物进行临床评估,直到收集样品为止。他们都没有与弓形虫感染有关的任何临床体征或后遗症。这些灵长类动物的起源是未知的,而且在圈养之前没有关于它们的喂养习惯的信息,这使得很难确定弓形虫的感染来源。



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