首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Microbiological isolation from the ear canal of healthy dogs and with otitis externa in the metropolitan region of Recife, Pernambuco

Microbiological isolation from the ear canal of healthy dogs and with otitis externa in the metropolitan region of Recife, Pernambuco


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Otitis externa (OE) is the term used to describe inflammation of the external ear canal. This disease has many etiologies, occurs in several species and is particularly common in dogs. The resident microbiota microorganisms are commonly involved in the OE etiopathogenesis, being frequently appointed as perpetuator agents. The aim of this study was to investigate the microbiological profile of dogs with healthy ears and of others with otitis in the metropolitan region of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. With the aid of sterile swabs, samples of right and left ear of 41 dogs, 11 with and 30 without OE, were collected. Bacterial and fungal isolation was performed with cultured samples; positivity was observed in 80% of animals with healthy ears, with the presence of more than one microrganism in 38 samples (63.3%), whereas in dogs with OE, the positivity was 95.3% with polymicrobial infection in 77.3% samples. With regard to the genus, the microbiological profile was identical between healthy and diseased dogs. The microrganisms isolated were Staphylococcus sp., Micrococcus, Bacillus sp., Streptococcus sp. and Malassezia sp.
机译:外耳炎(OE)是用于描述外耳道炎症的术语。该病有许多病因,发生在几种物种中,在狗中尤为常见。常驻微生物群微生物通常参与OE病因,常被指定为永生因子。这项研究的目的是调查巴西伯南布哥累西腓大都会地区具有健康耳朵的狗和其他患有中耳炎的狗的微生物学特征。借助于无菌拭子,收集了41只狗的右耳和左耳的样品,其中11只具有OE,30只没有OE。对培养的样品进行细菌和真菌分离;在80%的健康耳朵动物中观察到阳性,在38个样本中存在一种以上的微生物(63.3%),而在OE犬中,在77.3%的样本中被微生物感染的阳性率为95.3%。关于属,健康犬和患病犬之间的微生物学特征是相同的。分离的微生物是葡萄球菌属,微球菌属,芽孢杆菌属,链球菌属。和Malassezia sp。



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