首页> 外文期刊>Wader Study Group Bulletin >Pathways and staging areas of Red Knots Calidris canutus rogersi breeding in southern Chukotka,Far Eastern Russia

Pathways and staging areas of Red Knots Calidris canutus rogersi breeding in southern Chukotka,Far Eastern Russia

机译:俄罗斯远东楚科奇南部红色结Calidiss canutus rogersi繁殖的途径和分期地区

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Based on ring recoveries and observations of colour-marked individuals, we identify the non-breeding range, migration routes and staging areas used by Red Knots Calidris canutus of the subspecies rogersi from its southernmost sub-arctic breeding population in Chukotka, NE Asia. We also present the first three geolocator tracks of individual rogersi adult males. The non-breeding grounds of rogersi extend from New Zealand to NW Australia, with the majority going to the eastern part of this range (primarily New Zealand and E Australia). Three key staging areas for migrants are indicated by the geolocator data: (1) the NW Yellow Sea, (2) the western Sea of Okhotsk, north of the Amur River delta, and (3) the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. The Yellow Sea is extensively used during both north and south migration, whereas the other two sites are only used during south migration. The three birds with geolocators made round trips of 23,000-31,000 km. The two that went to New Zealand made direct flights of about 10,100 km from New Zealand to the NW Yellow Sea, the longest non-stop flight known for Red Knots to date. Mostly the flight paths taken by the three birds between stopovers were not further from the great circle route that the ca. 200 km margin of error associated with geolocator fixes. The only exception was that in most cases they appeared to fly south of the Kamchatka Peninsula when migrating between their breeding grounds and the Yellow Sea (four of five flight paths passed south around Kamchatka).
机译:基于环的回收率和对有颜色标记的个体的观察,我们从亚洲东北部楚科奇的最南端亚北极繁殖种群中,识别了罗杰斯亚种的罗氏红结Cali的非繁殖范围,迁徙路线和暂存区。我们还介绍了单个罗杰斯成年雄性的前三个地理定位轨迹。罗杰西人的非繁殖地从新西兰延伸至澳大利亚西北部,其中大部分分布在该范围的东部(主要是新西兰和澳大利亚东部)。地理位置数据显示了三个主要的移民暂存区:(1)西北部的黄海,(2)阿穆尔河三角洲以北的鄂霍次克海西部,以及(3)澳大利亚的卡彭塔里亚湾。黄海在北向和南向迁移中被广泛使用,而其他两个站点仅在南向迁移中被使用。三只带定位器的飞鸟往返行程为23,000-31,000公里。这两个飞往新西兰的飞机从新西兰直飞西北黄海约10,100公里,这是迄今为止以“红结”而闻名的最长的直飞航班。大多数情况下,三只鸟在中途停留之间所走的飞行路径离ca.与定位器修复相关的200 km的误差范围。唯一的例外是,在大多数情况下,它们在繁殖地和黄海之间迁移时似乎飞向堪察加半岛南部(五个飞行路线中的四个经过堪察加半岛以南)。



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