首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington >Symphurus ocellaris, a new shallow-water symphurine tonguefish collected off Pacific Panama (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae)

Symphurus ocellaris, a new shallow-water symphurine tonguefish collected off Pacific Panama (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae)

机译:Symphurus ocellaris,一种新的浅水Symphurine舌鱼,从巴拿马太平洋附近收集(Pleuronectiformes:Cynoglossidae)

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Symphurus ocellaris is described on the basis of a holotype (73.2 mm SL) and paratype (42.3 mm SL) collected in the environs of Coiba Island, Gulf of Chiriqui, Pacific Panama, at 24 m and 7.4 m, respectively. This species is distinguished from congeners by the combination of: a 1-3-4 pattern of interdigitation of dorsal-fin pterygiophores and neural spines (ID pattern), 12 caudal-fin rays, presence of an ocellated spot on the caudal fin in both sexes, 51 total vertebrae, 96-97 dorsal-fin rays, 80-81 anal-fin rays, 85-86 longitudinal scale rows, a pupillary operculum, unpigmented peritoneum, uniformly pigmented blind side, and ocular-side background coloration lacking prominent dark spots or conspicuous crossbands. Symphurus ocellaris is only the second known species in the genus characterized by a 1-3-4 ID pattern. Among eastern Pacific Symphurus, S. callopterus also has a 1-3-4 ID pattern and 12 caudal-fin rays, but lacks the ocellated caudal spot, has a different ocular-side pigmentation, and has higher, non-overlapping meristic features. The only other eastern Pacific tonguefish with an ocellated caudal-fin spot, S. fasciolaris, differs in having 10 caudal-fin rays, a 1-4-3 ID pattern, and ocular-side pigmentation featuring prominent spots and crossbands.
机译:根据在太平洋巴拿马奇里基湾的Coiba岛周围分别收集的24 m和7.4 m的整型(73.2 mm SL)和副型(42.3 mm SL)来描述球藻。该物种与同类动物的区别在于:背鳍翼状phor和神经棘相互交叉的1-3-4模式(ID模式),12条尾鳍射线,两种尾鳍上都存在网状斑点性别,51个椎骨,96-97个背鳍射线,80-81个肛门鳍射线,85-86个纵向鳞片行,一个瞳孔,未着色的腹膜,色素沉着均匀的盲侧和眼侧背景色缺乏明显的深色点或明显的交叉带。食腐球菌(Symphurus ocellaris)只是该属中第二个已知的物种,其特征是1-3-4 ID模式。在东部太平洋Symphurus中,call蝶S. Callopterus也具有1-3-4 ID模式和12条尾鳍射线,但缺少卵状的尾斑,具有不同的眼侧色素沉着,并具有较高的,不重叠的特征。东部太平洋上唯一唯一带有尾鳍斑点斑点的s鱼(S. fasciolaris)的区别在于尾鳍射线有10条,ID模式为1-4-3,并且眼侧色素沉着具有明显的斑点和交叉带。



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