首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington >New fossil material with a redescription of the extinct Condor Gymnogyps varonai (Arredondo, 1971) from the Quaternary of Cuba (Aves: Vulturidae)

New fossil material with a redescription of the extinct Condor Gymnogyps varonai (Arredondo, 1971) from the Quaternary of Cuba (Aves: Vulturidae)


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New material of the Cuban Condor, originally described at An-tillovultur varonai (Arredondo, 1971), indicates that it is definitely referable to the genus Gymnogyps, but possesses other unique features that support its status as an extinct endemic species. It is characterized by distinct cranial and pre-maxillary features that are associated with more powerful musculature for feeding. These features include dorso-ventral deepening of the skull, long and massive occipital processes, a large occipital condyle, and a more vaulted and broad rostrum compared with the living species G. californianus. Postcranial bones differ little from the living California Condor except in being larger and more robust. The Cuban Condor may have evolved relatively rapidly after a mainland population of G. kofordi or G. californianus reached the island and became specialized on the limited large prey available there during the Pleistocene.
机译:最早在《 An-tillovultur varonai》(阿雷东多,1971年)中描述的古巴秃鹰的新材料表明,它绝对是裸子草属(Gymnogyps)的代名词,但具有其他独特特征,支持其作为灭绝的特有物种。它的特点是明显的颅骨和上颌前特征,与更强大的肌肉组织有关。这些特征包括颅骨的背腹加深,长而大的枕骨突,大的枕骨with和与活体G. californianus相比更大的拱顶和更宽的讲台。颅后骨头与活着的加州秃鹰几乎没有什么不同,除了更大,更坚固。古巴秃鹰可能在大陆种群G. kofordi或G. californianus到达该岛并专门研究更新世期间那里可用的有限大型猎物后,发展相对较快。



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