首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Surgery >Arthroscopic Biceps Ulnar Release Procedure (BURP): Technique Description and In Vitro Assessment of the Association of Visual Control and Surgeon Experience to Regional Damage and Tenotomy Completeness

Arthroscopic Biceps Ulnar Release Procedure (BURP): Technique Description and In Vitro Assessment of the Association of Visual Control and Surgeon Experience to Regional Damage and Tenotomy Completeness


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Objectives: (1) Describe arthroscopic BURP surgical technique, (2) assess association of visual control and surgeon experience to tenotomy completeness and regional iatrogenic tissue damage.Study Design: Cadaveric study.Sample Population: Canine cadavers weighing > 20 kg (n = 16; 32 elbows).Methods: Phase 1 dissection/anatomic description/procedural refinement (n = 6). Phase 2 technique description (n = 6). Phase 3 association of surgeon experience and procedural visual control to tenotomy completion and regional iatrogenic damage (n = 20). Elbows were randomly assigned via coin toss to an experienced-or inexperienced-arthroscopist. Using conventional medial portals, surgeons sought to identify the medial collateral ligament (MCL) and ulnar insertion of the biceps tendon (uBT) before attempting complete tenotomy. Upon procedural completion, surgeons assigned a standardized "visual control score" (VCS) describing viewing that governed procedure and predicted % uBT release, MCL, and median nerve damage. Post-procedural dissection determined actual tenotomy completion and iatrogenic tissue damage.Results: Complete BURP was achieved in 16 of 19 elbows. VCS was associated with tenotomy completeness (P<.01). "Blind" BURP was incomplete in both elbows in which it was attempted. Perception of complete BURP was associated with complete release (P<.01). MCL damage occurred in 10% of elbows. Surgeon experience did not influence VCS, regional damage, or BURP completeness.Conclusion: In canine cadavers, arthroscopic BURP can be consistently performed using conventional arthroscopic instruments and portals by both experienced and inexperienced arthroscopists when visual control guides the tenotomy into the distal aspect of the tendon
机译:目的:(1)描述关节镜下BURP手术技术,(2)评估视觉控制和外科医生经验与腱切断术完整性和局部医源性组织损伤的关系研究设计:尸体研究样本人群:体重超过20 kg的犬尸(n = 16)方法:第1阶段解剖/解剖描述/程序完善(n = 6); 32个肘部。第2阶段技术描述(n = 6)。外科医生经验和程序视觉控制与腱切术完成和局部医源性损害的第三阶段关联(n = 20)。通过抛硬币将肘部随机分配给有经验或无经验的关节镜专家。在尝试进行完全的腱切术之前,外科医生使用传统的内侧门来寻求识别内侧副韧带(MCL)和二头肌腱(uBT)的尺骨插入。程序完成后,外科医生会分配一个标准化的“视觉控制评分”(VCS),以描述控制手术过程的观察情况以及预测的uBT释放百分比,MCL和中位神经损伤。术后解剖确定了真正的腱切术完成和医源性组织损伤。结果:19个肘部中的16个获得了完全的BURP。 VCS与腱切术的完整性有关(P <.01)。尝试的两个肘部“盲” BURP不完整。完整BURP的感知与完整发布有关(P <.01)。 MCL损伤发生在10%的肘部。结论:在犬尸体中,当视力控制将腱切术引导至腱鞘远端时,经验丰富和经验不足的关节镜医师均可使用常规关节镜仪器和门进行一致的关节镜BURP手术。肌腱



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