首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Research: A Journal on Animal Infection >In vivo studies on lysosubtilin. 3. Efficacy for treatment of mastitis and superficial lesions of the udder and teats in cows

In vivo studies on lysosubtilin. 3. Efficacy for treatment of mastitis and superficial lesions of the udder and teats in cows

机译:溶血枯草杆菌素的体内研究。 3.奶牛乳房炎和乳房浅表病变的治疗方法

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Lysosubtilin is a broad-spectrum preparation of lytic enzymes from Bacillus subtilis designed for veterinary medicine. Samples of milk and udder skin were taken from 115 cows with mastitis or superficial lesions of the udder and teats and examined microbiologically. A high incidence of polymicrobial infections (26.9 and 84.9% for mastitis and superficial udder lesions, respectively) caused by various mixtures of bacteria (both Gram-positive and Gram-negative; Staphylococcus aureus and streptococciwere most prevalent) and fungi/yeasts was found. The optimum dose for mastitis treatment was 3.5 X 106 U lysosubtilin dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water, which was then administered into the mammary gland of 81 cows via the teat canal, once daily until recovery. 20 cows were treated with mastisan and 24 with Padegimas. Lysosubtilin significantly decreased both the length of time before clinical recovery (2 days vs. 4 and 4.5 days with the traditional drugs) and the percentage of animals who sufferedrelapses within a 2-month period following treatment (5 vs. 60%, with one of the 2 drugs). In a field experiment 50 cows were treated with 1% lysosubtilin water-glycerine solution (1:9 v/v), 19 cows were treated with 5% synthomycin liniment, 20 with sulfanilamide liniment, 17 with borasic vaseline and 17 with glycerine. All drugs used yielded a 100% cure rate, but lysosubtilin application reduced the duration of the recovery period (2.5 vs. 4.5-5.5 days) when compared with any of the 4 other drugs tested. Lysosubtilin was also at least 3.4 times more effective that the other medications in preventing mastitis. It is concluded that lysosubtilin may serve as a possible alternative to common antibiotics.
机译:溶血枯草杆菌素是广谱制备的枯草芽孢杆菌裂解酶,用于兽医学。从115例患有乳腺炎或乳房和乳头表浅病变的母牛中采集牛奶和乳房皮肤样品,并进行微生物学检查。发现由多种细菌混合物(革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性;金黄色葡萄球菌和链球菌最普遍)和真菌/酵母引起的多菌感染率较高(分别为乳腺炎和乳房浅表病变的26.9%和84.9%)。治疗乳腺炎的最佳剂量是将3.5 X 106 U溶血枯草杆菌素溶于100毫升蒸馏水中,然后每天通过乳头管将其注入81头母牛的乳腺,直至恢复。马蒂桑治疗了20头母牛,帕德吉马斯治疗了24头。溶血枯草杆菌素显着减少了临床恢复前的时间长度(传统药物为2天,而传统药物为4天和4.5天),以及治疗后2个月内复发的动物百分比(5%对60%,其中一种为2种药物)。在田间试验中,对50头母牛用1%溶血枯草杆菌素水-甘油溶液(1:9 v / v)进行处理,对19头母牛进行5%合成霉素syn剂,20例对磺酰胺sulf剂,17例硼烷凡士林和17例甘油。与所测试的其他4种药物中的任何一种相比,使用的所有药物均能达到100%的治愈率,但是溶血枯草杆菌素的使用缩短了恢复期的持续时间(2.5天相对于4.5-5.5天)。溶血枯草杆菌素在预防乳腺炎方面的效力也至少是其他药物的3.4倍。得出的结论是,溶血枯草杆菌素可以替代普通抗生素。



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