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Canine vector-borne disease in travelled dogs in Germany-A retrospective evaluation of laboratory data from the years 2004-2008


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When importing dogs from various Mediterranean countries into Western Europe canine vector-borne infections are often considered as a major issue. Several diseases including babesiosis, leishmaniosis, hepatozoonosis, canine heartworm disease or ehrlichiosis can potentially be endemic in this region and pose a potential health risk for travelling dogs. Information on such infections in travelled dogs is scarce and therefore this study has been undertaken to examine the frequency of vector-borne infections in travelled dogs from the years 2004-2008. A total of 997 samples were screened by direct and/or indirect methods. Total seroprevalence was 7.5% with individual seroprevalence for the 3 species Leishmania spp., Ehrlichia canis and Babesia canis spp. ranging from 3.1 to 4.9%. Total detection rate for pathogens by direct methods was 3.5%. Ninteen Giemsa-stained blood smears were positive for large Babesia. None of the samples screened for microfilariae by Knott's test or for Dirofilaria immitis antigen by DiroChek (R) were positive. Using PCR methods Leishmania-DNA was detected in 1/42 samples but none of 59 animals screened for E. canis-DNA was positive. The prevalence values as established by indirect and direct pathogen detection are considered as rather low
机译:当将来自地中海不同国家的狗进口到西欧时,犬媒传播的感染通常被认为是一个主要问题。几种疾病,包括巴贝病,利什曼病,肝病,犬心丝虫病或埃希氏病,可能是该地区的地方病,可能对旅行犬造成健康危害。关于流浪狗中此类感染的信息很少,因此,本研究旨在检查2004-2008年间流浪狗中媒介传播感染的频率。通过直接和/或间接方法筛选了总共997个样品。 3种利什曼原虫属,犬埃里希体犬和巴贝斯犬种的总血清学阳性率为7.5%,个别血清学阳性。介于3.1%至4.9%之间。直接方法对病原体的总检出率为3.5%。 19例吉姆萨染色的血液涂片检查对大型巴贝斯虫呈阳性。通过诺氏检验筛查的微丝aria病或通过DiroChek(R)筛查的丝虫i炎抗原的样品均未呈阳性。使用PCR方法,在1/42个样本中检测到利什曼原虫-DNA,但经筛选的犬埃里希氏菌-DNA的59只动物均无阳性。通过间接和直接病原体检测确定的患病率相当低



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