首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Parasitology >The transport of albendazole and albendazole sulphoxide in the lancet fluke (Dicrocoelium dendriticum)

The transport of albendazole and albendazole sulphoxide in the lancet fluke (Dicrocoelium dendriticum)

机译:阿苯达唑和亚苯达唑亚砜在刺血吸虫中的运输(Dicrocoelium dendriticum)

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Albendazole (ABZ) is one of the most important benzimidazole compounds possessing high activity against the lancet fluke, Dicrocoelium dendriticum. ABZ sulphoxide (ABZ.SO) is the main molecule present in the bloodstream of an ABZ-treated host. The aim of this study was to characterise the pattern of ex vivo uptake of ABZ and ABZ.SO by lancet flukes and the export of both anthelmintics from these parasites. Transport of these anthelmintics in both living and dead flukes was compared. The adult flukes were collected from mouflons (Ovis musimon) which had been infected naturally. Results showed that more lipophilic ABZ was imported to a higher extent than ABZ.SO, and that significantly higher concentrations of ABZ were detected within living flukes as compared to dead ones. The same pattern was revealed in the study of ABZ and ABZ.SO export from the flukes' bodies. In addition to passive diffusion, active ABZ uptake and active efflux of ABZ and ABZ.SO in D. dendriticum could be assumed
机译:阿苯达唑(ABZ)是最重要的苯并咪唑化合物之一,对刺血针(Dicrocoelium dendriticum)具有高活性。 ABZ亚砜(ABZ.SO)是ABZ处理的宿主血液中存在的主要分子。这项研究的目的是表征柳叶刀吸虫离体吸收ABZ和ABZ.SO的模式以及这些寄生虫中两种驱虫药的出口。比较了这些驱虫药在活的和死的吸虫中的转运。成年吸虫是从自然感染过的mouflons(Ovis musimon)中收集的。结果表明,与ABZ.SO相比,进口的亲脂性ABZ含量更高,并且在活吸虫中检出的ABZ浓度比死吸虫高得多。在从吸虫体内出口ABZ和ABZ.SO的研究中发现了相同的模式。除被动扩散外,还可以假设树突状线虫中的ABZ和ABZ.SO的主动吸收和主动流出



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