首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Parasitology >Effect of toltrazuril treatment in nursing piglets naturally infected with Isospora suis.

Effect of toltrazuril treatment in nursing piglets naturally infected with Isospora suis.


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Isospora suis is an important parasitic infection in intensive pig production worldwide, responsible for significant economic losses. In this study the efficacy of toltrazuril treatment against isosporosis was evaluated, under field conditions and throughout the nursing period, in reducing (i) the mean time to onset of diarrhoea and oocyst excretion, (ii) the odds of diarrhoea and, (iii) the odds and level of oocyst excretion, adjusting for the heterogeneity of I. suis infection among litters and across time. In a 300-sow farrow-to-finish commercial operation, twenty-five litters were randomly allocated to receive toltrazuril (thirteen litters) or no treatment (twelve litters). The course of infection was followed in all piglets by coprological examination from day 6 after farrowing until weaning. Parametric shared frailty models, generalised linear mixed models and a two-part random effects model were used in the analyses. Treated piglets had longer mean time to onset of oocyst excretion, lower odds of excreting oocysts and lower mean amount of excreted oocysts on any day during the nursing period. Diarrhoea was less likely to occur in treated piglets. Variance partition coefficients revealed that almost half of the variation in the odds of oocyst excretion and diarrhoea was ascribed to unknown or unmeasured factors that operate at higher than the piglet levels of aggregation. Thus, beyond toltrazuril treatment, control of isosporosis in commercial pig farms can be improved by identification and quantification of these factors.
机译:Isospora suis 是全世界集约化养猪中的一种重要的寄生虫感染,造成巨大的经济损失。在这项研究中,在田间条件和整个护理期间,评估了托曲脲治疗异位症的功效,以减少(i)腹泻和卵囊排泄的平均发作时间,(ii)腹泻的几率,以及(iii)卵囊排泄的几率和水平,调整 I的异质性。猪之间和猪之间的猪感染。在一个由300头母猪分娩到完成的商业操作中,随机分配了25胎以接受托他唑利(13胎)或不接受治疗(12胎)。从分娩后第6天到断奶,对所有仔猪进行阴茎学检查,以监测感染过程。分析中使用了参数共享脆弱模型,广义线性混合模型和两部分随机效应模型。在哺乳期中的任何一天,经过治疗的仔猪的卵囊排泄开始的平均时间更长,卵囊排泄的几率较低,而卵囊排泄的平均数较低。经治疗的仔猪腹泻的可能性较小。方差分配系数表明,卵囊排泄和腹泻几率的几乎一半的变化归因于未知或无法测量的因素,这些因素的作用高于仔猪的聚集水平。因此,除了托曲脲治疗外,通过鉴定和定量这些因素,可以改善商业猪场中的同工症。



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