首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Parasitology >A wide diversity of zoonotic intestinal parasites infects urban and rural dogs in Neuqucbn, Patagonia, Argentina

A wide diversity of zoonotic intestinal parasites infects urban and rural dogs in Neuqucbn, Patagonia, Argentina


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The presence of parasites was investigated by the examination of 1944 dog faecal samples collected from urban (n =646) and rural (n =1298) areas of the province of Neuqucbn, Patagonia, Argentina. Parasitic agents (PA) were found in 37.86% of samples. A total of 15 different PA were detected, including Toxocara canis (16.35%), Taenia spp./Echinococcus spp. (12.65%), Trichuris vulpis (6.06%), Giardia spp. (1.29%), Toxascaris leonina (0.56%), Ancylostoma caninum (0.41%), Dipylidium caninum (0.31%), Diphyllobothrium spp. (0.10%), among others. Several of these PA are recognized as zoonotic agents. Therefore, the results of this investigation revealed that local population is exposed to a broad spectrum of zoonotic parasites by means of environmental contamination with dog faeces. Prevalence of PA was slightly higher in rural (40.06%) than in urban (33.44%) locations. Distribution of groups of PA (cestodes, nematodes, and protozoa) showed statistical differences between both habitats. Prevalence of cestodes (18.18%) and protozoa (11.86%) was significantly higher in the rural environment than in urban areas and nematodes (29.10%) were more frequent in urban locations. Infection of dogs with Linguatula serrata and Cryptosporidium sp. was demonstrated for the first time in Neuqucbn. Rural dogs of the study area are under hydatic disease control program, which includes treatment with praziquantel every 6 weeks; thus, the finding of high level of cestode infection in these areas is of great relevance. The epidemiology of zoonotic parasitic infections in urban and rural dogs showed different patterns and, in consequence, different control measurements should be applied in each location.
机译:通过检查1944年从阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚内乌克宾省的城市(n = 646)和农村(n = 1298)地区收集的狗粪便样本,研究了寄生虫的存在。在样品中发现了37.86%的寄生虫(PA)。总共检测到15种不同的PA,包括犬弓形虫(Toxocara canis)(16.35%),Ta虫(Taenia spp。)/棘球E(Echinococcus spp。)。 (12.65%),Trichuris vulpis(6.06%),Giardia spp。 (1.29%),Toxascaris leonina(0.56%),Ancylostoma caninum(0.41%),Dipylidium caninum(0.31%),Diphyllobothrium spp。 (0.10%),等等。这些PA中有几种被认为是人畜共患病的药剂。因此,这项调查的结果表明,当地居民通过狗粪的环境污染而暴露于广泛的人畜共患性寄生虫。农村地区(40.06%)的PA患病率略高于城市地区(33.44%)。 PA组的分布(ces,线虫和原生动物)在两个生境之间显示出统计差异。在农村环境中,(虫(18.18%)和原生动物(11.86%)的患病率明显高于城市地区,而线虫(29.10%)在城市地区更常见。狗感染锯缘舌和隐孢子虫。在Neuqucbn首次展示。研究区域的乡村犬接受了玻璃体疾病控制计划,其中包括每6周用吡喹酮治疗一次;因此,在这些地区发现高水平的est虫感染具有重要意义。城乡犬的人畜共患寄生虫感染的流行病学表现出不同的模式,因此,在每个位置应采用不同的控制措施。


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