首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Parasitology >Amblyomma triste Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae): hosts and seasonality of the vector of Rickettsia parkeri in Uruguay.

Amblyomma triste Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae): hosts and seasonality of the vector of Rickettsia parkeri in Uruguay.

机译:Trich Komb,1844(Acari:Ixodidae):乌拉圭立克次体parkeri病媒的寄主和季节性。

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Amblyomma triste Koch, 1844, the tick species most frequently involved in human bites in Uruguay, has been implicated as a vector of human rickettsiosis. Seasonal abundance of adult A. triste was examined by standard flagging at three sites where human tick bites and cases of the disease have been reported. Adult tick activity occurred from August to February (end of winter to mid summer in the southern hemisphere) with a peak in spring. Activity declined in step with decreasing temperatures and photoperiod during winter. This period of activity coincides with seasonal outbreaks of human rickettsiosis in the region. In a small mammal survey, the Sigmodontinae rodents Scapteromys tumidus (Waterhouse, 1837) and Oxymycterus nasutus (Waterhouse, 1837) and the small marsupial Monodelphis dimidiata (Wagner, 1847) were the main hosts for immature A. triste. Immature ticks were observed on hosts in November, well within the period of peak adult abundance. In stored collections, immature ticks were most often collected from January to March. These data suggest that one generation might be completed in 1 year. The main animal host for adult A. triste at our study sites was the domestic dog. Humans were afflicted by the tick in rural and suburban settlements where other host animals are scarce or extinct and where dogs are common.
机译:乌拉圭三叉葵(Amblyomma triste Koch),1844年,乌拉圭最常被人类叮咬的壁虱物种,被认为是人类立克次体病的媒介。通过在报告人类tick叮咬和该病病例的三个地点进行标准标记检查了成年曲霉的季节性丰度。成年tick活动发生在8月至2月(南半球冬季至夏季中期),春季达到高峰。随着冬季温度和光周期的降低,活性逐渐降低。活动期间恰逢该地区人类立克次体病的季节性爆发。在一个小型哺乳动物调查中,Sigmodontinae啮齿类动物Scapteromys tumidus(沃特豪斯,1837年)和天牛(Oxymycterus nasutus)(沃特豪斯,1837年)和小型有袋动物Monodelphis dimidiata(瓦格纳,1847年)是未成熟A. triste的主要寄主。在十一月份的寄主中观察到不成熟的s,正好在成年高峰期。在存储的馆藏中,tick虫的采集最频繁是从一月到三月。这些数据表明,一代可能在一年内完成。在我们的研究地点,成年A. triste的主要动物宿主是家犬。在其他寄居动物稀少或绝种,狗很常见的农村和郊区定居点,人们受were虫折磨。



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