首页> 外文期刊>Veterinarni Medicina >Geographical distribution of the giant liver fluke (Fascioloides magna) in the Czech Republic and potential risk of its further spread.

Geographical distribution of the giant liver fluke (Fascioloides magna) in the Czech Republic and potential risk of its further spread.

机译:捷克共和国的巨型肝吸虫( Fascioloides magna )的地理分布及其进一步传播的潜在风险。

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The giant liver fluke, Fascioloides magna, is of interest to wild-life managers, veterinarians and researchers, due to its unusual body size (3-10 cm), high pathogenic potential and because it is continuously spreading to new areas, especially in Europe. Annually, the number of cases of animal infections (mainly cervids and bovids) caused by this fluke is monitored in many European countries, including the Czech Republic (with some foci of prevalence over 90%). During the years 2009 and 2010, 1622 survey forms focused on monitoring of fascioloidosis were distributed in the community of "Czech Inspectors of Hunted Game" (CIHG), and 21.3% of forms containing positive or negative response about F. magna occurrence were returned. The administrative units monitored by particular CIHG, who answered the forms, were geographically equally distributed and therefore we believe that also the recorded distribution of F. magna in wild-life animals reflects the real situation in the Czech Republic. A significant number of cases of F. magna infection were repeatedly reported from areas in the south-west part of the Czech Republic. Moreover, our report contains also some unique records of several new F. magna foci in the western (close to the German border), northern (close to the Polish border) and central parts of the Czech Republic, supporting the assumption that the parasite is spreading further throughout Europe. In five game administrative units F. magna infection was directly confirmed by examination of dissected deer livers or by microscopic examination of coprological samples, followed by isolation of DNA from adults and eggs and further molecular analyses. Fascioloides magna intermediate host snails (Galba truncatula and Radix spp.) were collected during 2009 and 2010 from different localities of the Czech Republic, kept in aquaria, examined for shedding of F. magna cercariae, dissected and parasite/snail DNA was isolated. After PCR with specific primers for parasite/snail internal transcribed region number two (ITS-2) the obtained sequences confirmed identification of the following species: F. magna, G. truncatula, R. peregra, R. lagotis, R. labiata and R. auricularia. Although it has been demonstrated that the number of areas with positive cases of fascioloidosis is still growing, the risk of pathogenic impact of F. magna on populations of free-living animals and farming cervids/bovids is generally underestimated.
机译:巨大的肝吸虫, Fascioloides magna ,由于其不寻常的体型(3-10厘米),高致病性以及不断传播,引起了野生动物管理者,兽医和研究人员的兴趣。到新的地区,尤其是在欧洲。每年,在包括捷克共和国(流行率超过90%的一些国家)在内的许多欧洲国家中,监测由这种吸虫引起的动物感染病例(主要是宫颈和牛)的数量。在2009年和2010年期间,在“狩猎猎物捷克检查员”(CIHG)社区中分发了1622个关注筋膜样病监测的调查表,其中21.3%的调查表对F有正面或负面反应。发生了很大的事。由特定CIHG监督并回答表格的行政单位在地理上是平均分配的,因此我们认为F的记录分配也是如此。野生动物中的magna 反映了捷克共和国的真实情况。大量F病例。捷克共和国西南部地区多次报告有巨大的感染。此外,我们的报告还包含一些新的 F的一些独特记录。在捷克共和国的西部(靠近德国边界),北部(靠近波兰边界)和中部的巨大疫源地,支持了这种寄生虫在整个欧洲进一步扩散的假设。在五个游戏管理单位中。通过检查解剖的鹿肝或通过显微镜检查细菌学样本,然后从成虫和卵中分离DNA并进行进一步的分子分析,可以直接确认是否感染了巨大的镁。 2009年和2010年分别从捷克共和国的不同地区收集了 Fascioloides magna 中间寄主蜗牛( Galba truncatula 和 Radix spp。)。水族箱,检查是否有 F脱落。尾cer,解剖并分离出寄生虫/蜗牛DNA。用用于寄生虫/蜗牛内部转录第二区(ITS-2)的特异性引物进行PCR后,所获得的序列证实了对以下物种的鉴定:i。 magna , G。 truncatula , R。佩雷格拉, R。拉各斯, R。唇纹和 R。耳廓。尽管已经证明具有筋膜样变阳性病例的区域的数量仍在增加,但是F致病性影响的风险仍然存在。人们普遍低估了自由活动的动物和饲养的宫颈/牛的数量。



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