首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Medicine >Helping cats and dogs withCOGNITIVE DYSFUNCTICfeel better and act younger

Helping cats and dogs withCOGNITIVE DYSFUNCTICfeel better and act younger


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Pets are living longer: As a consequence, the population of dogs and cats developing signs of senility is growing. Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) is a disease of age-related degenerative changes in the brain similar to that seen in people experiencing Alzheimer's disease. The clinical signs of CDS involve age-related development of behavioral changes unrelated to other medical or behavioral conditions. The most common signs associated with CDS in cats are disorientation, changes in sleep patterns, housesoiling, and changes in activity. In dogs, the changes in behavior may be more overt (Table I). CDS is a diagnosis of exclusion. Once systemic illnesses, organic brain disease, and true behavioral problems have been ruled out, cognitive dysfunction should be considered in older dogs and cats exhibiting signs of decreased mental acuity or dementia.
机译:宠物的寿命更长:结果,出现衰老迹象的狗和猫的数量正在增长。认知功能障碍综合症(CDS)是一种与年龄相关的大脑退化性疾病,类似于患有阿尔茨海默氏病的人所见。 CDS的临床体征涉及与年龄相关的与其他医学或行为状况无关的行为变化。猫中与CDS相关的最常见体征是神志不清,睡眠方式改变,房屋结垢和活动改变。在狗中,行为的变化可能更为明显(表I)。 CDS是排除诊断。一旦排除了全身性疾病,器质性脑病和真正的行为问题,就应考虑表现出智力下降或痴呆症状的年长狗和猫的认知功能障碍。



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