首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology >The use of Ellis pins (negative profile tip-threaded pins) in external-skeletal fixation in dogs and cats

The use of Ellis pins (negative profile tip-threaded pins) in external-skeletal fixation in dogs and cats


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The Ellis pin is commonly used in external skeletal fixators (ESFs) but some authors suggest that this pin suffers from a high rate of failure. The purpose of Ss study was to look for complications associated with four different pin types, in particular pin breakage, as well as pin loosening, radiolucency around pins and pin tract discharge. Fifty consecutive cases which had an ESF applied using Ellis pins were identified. Radiographs and case records were used to record case details, ESF design, duration of fixation, pin types used, and complications. Records from 31 dogs and 17 cats were examined (2 animals were removed from the study because of incomplete follow-up). There were 21 Type 1, 7 Type I with a tied-in IM pin, 2 modified Type 1, 2 modified Type I with a tied-in IM pin and 16 modified Type 11 ESFs. 160 Ellis pins, 30 centrally threaded positive profile pins, 4 end threaded positive profile pins and 46 smooth pins were used. Complications relating to one or more of the pins were seen in 65% of the fixators. None of the pins broke. There was a significant association between individual pin type and the number of pins showing loosening (p = 0.002) or radiolucency (p = 0.006), but not a significance in the association between pin type and discharge (Chi-Square test). When each pin was compared against each other pin, smooth pins were significantly more likely to be loose than Ellis pins (p < 0.001), and centrally threaded positive profile pins were significantly more likely to result in radiolucency than Ellis pins (p = 0.01), using a Chi-square test. There was not any significant association between any other pin types for any complication using a Fisher's Exact test. The study demonstrates that Ellis pins, when inserted correctly, are not at any greater risk of failure than other pin types, and that fewer complications may be associated with them than other pin designs.
机译:Ellis针通常用于外部骨骼固定器(ESF),但一些作者建议该针遭受高失败率的折磨。 Ss研究的目的是寻找与四种不同销钉类型有关的并发症,特别是销钉断裂,销钉松动,销钉周围的射线透性和销钉束放电。确定了连续50例使用Ellis针应用ESF的病例。射线照片和病例记录用于记录病例详细信息,ESF设计,固定时间,使用的针脚类型和并发症。检查了31只狗和17只猫的记录(由于未完成随访,因此将2只动物从研究中删除)。共有21种类型1、7种类型的I类型和一个IM引脚,2个经过修改的类型1,2种类型的I类型和一个IM引脚以及16种类型11 ESF。使用了160个Ellis销,30个中心螺纹正轮廓销,4个端螺纹正轮廓销和46个光滑销。在65%的固定器中发现了与一根或多根针有关的并发症。没有别的针脚折断。个别引脚类型与显示出松动(p = 0.002)或射线透过性(p = 0.006)的引脚数量之间存在显着关联,但是在引脚类型与放电之间的关联中无显着意义(卡方检验)。当将每个针脚与另一个针脚进行比较时,光滑针脚比Ellis针脚更容易松动(p <0.001),而中心螺纹正轮廓针脚比Ellis针脚更可能产生射线透亮(p = 0.01) ,使用卡方检验。使用Fisher精确检验,任何其他引脚类型之间的复杂性之间均无显着关联。该研究表明,正确插入Ellis插针后,其故障风险不会比其他类型的插针大,并且与其他插针设计相比,与之相关的并发症更少。



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