首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology >Allergen-specific IgE in Icelandic horses with insect bite hypersensitivity and healthy controls, assessed by FcvarepsilonR1alpha-based serology

Allergen-specific IgE in Icelandic horses with insect bite hypersensitivity and healthy controls, assessed by FcvarepsilonR1alpha-based serology


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Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) and atopy can both be causes of pruritus in horses and are associated with allergen-specific IgE to biting insects and environmental allergens respectively. Information with respect to differences in IgE levels in diseased and healthy animals is crucial in enabling an understanding of the clinical relevance of results of allergen-specific IgE tests. The aim of this study was (i) to evaluate and compare levels of allergen-specific IgE, using an ELISA method, in Icelandic horses, with and without IBH, from Iceland and Sweden respectively; (ii) to investigate patterns of allergen-specific IgE to insects, pollens, moulds and mites in those groups of horses; and (iii) to investigate the clinical significance of employing two different cut-off levels for the ELISA. The study compromised a total number of 99 horses from Iceland and Sweden, with and without IBH, divided in 5 groups. Sera from the horses were analysed blindly with the use of Allercepttrade mark, a non-competitive, solid-phase ELISA-test, designed to detect the presence of allergen-specific IgE in sera using the recombinant alpha chain of the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcvarepsilonR1alpha). The distribution of the ELISA values was shown for each insect, mould, mite and pollen allergen, in the different groups using 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles. The use of two cut-off levels, 150 EA and 300 EA, did not eliminate the false positives. Horses with IBH had a higher number of positive reactions, counting all the 29 allergens, than healthy controls and this was borderline significant (P=0.053). In this study it was shown that serological testing with an ELISA that uses the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcvarepsilonR1alpha) is presently not suitable as a tool for establishing a diagnosis of IBH or equine atopy. The importance of establishing a correct cut-off level for the ELISA for the different allergens is emphasised.
机译:昆虫叮咬超敏反应(IBH)和特应性过敏均可引起马瘙痒,并且分别与叮咬昆虫的过敏原特异性IgE和环境过敏原有关。有关患病和健康动物中IgE水平差异的信息,对于了解变应原特异性IgE测试结果的临床相关性至关重要。这项研究的目的是(i)用ELISA方法评估和比较分别来自冰岛和瑞典的有和没有IBH的冰岛马中的过敏原特异性IgE水平; (ii)调查这些马群中对昆虫,花粉,霉菌和螨虫的过敏原特异性IgE的模式; (iii)研究采用两种不同的临界水平进行ELISA的临床意义。这项研究折衷了来自冰岛和瑞典的99匹有和没有IBH的马,将其分为5组。使用非竞争性固相ELISA测试Allercepttrade mark对马的血清进行盲法分析,旨在使用高亲和力IgE受体的重组α链检测血清中过敏原特异性IgE的存在(FcvarepsilonR1alpha)。显示了使用第十,五十和九十个百分位数在不同组中每种昆虫,霉菌,螨虫和花粉过敏原的ELISA值分布。使用两个截止级别150 EA和300 EA并不能消除误报。与健康对照组相比,IBH马的阳性反应数量更多,包括所有29种过敏原,这是临界值(P = 0.053)。在这项研究中表明,使用高亲和力IgE受体(FcvarepsilonR1alpha)的ELISA进行的血清学检测目前不适合作为诊断IBH或马特应性疾病的工具。强调为不同的过敏原建立正确的ELISA临界水平的重要性。



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