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Famous trauma victims John F. Kennedy


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John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963), popularly known as JFK, was the 35th President of The United States of America, and the fourth to be assassinated. He was also the youngest elected to the office, and the first Roman Catholic. He will be best remembered for the controversy surrounding his assassination, and the various conspiracy theories which have surrounded him since. This limited vision, however, does a grave disservice to his memory. JFK was a truly inspirational public speaker, although he was robbed of the chance to fully enact his vision. His speeches, and his untimely death have led him to be enshrined in the pantheon of great US presidents, thought of in the same league as Lincoln, Washington and Roosevelt. He was responsible for escalating the Space Race and for starting the programme to land a man on the moon. He faced down Nikita Khrushchev over the deployment of Soviet ballistic missiles in Cuba, and deployed troops to forcibly desegregate schools. His colourful private life and his membership of the Kennedy dynasty, arguably the closest thing America has to an aristocracy, mean that he will be remembered for more than his political achievements.
机译:约翰·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪(John Fitzgerald Kennedy,1917-1963年),众所周知的肯尼迪(JFK),是美国的第35任总统,也是被暗杀的第四任总统。他也是当选最年轻的人,也是第一位罗马天主教徒。刺杀周围的争议以及此后围绕他的各种阴谋理论将给他留下最深刻的印象。然而,这种有限的视野严重损害了他的记忆。肯尼迪(JFK)是一位真正鼓舞人心的公众演讲者,尽管他被剥夺了充分体现他的愿景的机会。他的演讲和不合时宜的去世使他被奉为美国伟大总统的万神殿,与林肯,华盛顿和罗斯福同属一个联盟。他负责升级太空竞赛,并负责启动将一个人登上月球的计划。他因在古巴部署苏联弹道导弹而面对尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫(Nikita Khrushchev),并部署了部队强行将学校隔离。他丰富多彩的私人生活和肯尼迪王朝的会员资格(可以说是美国与贵族最接近的事情)意味着,他的成就将不仅仅在于他的政治成就。



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